EyeWorld Korea September 2022 Issue

Discover New Technologies in Supplement to EyeWorld Asia-Pacific September 2022 APACRS treatment, corneal surgery, use of intraocular lens (IOL), and scleral surgery. Different types of corneal surgery may be performed, and a variety of IOLs may be utilized to manage presbyopia in older patients. Feng Ju Zhang, MD, PhD, China, focused her discussion on corneal surgery as there can be limitations with standard laser vision correction. One concern is whether insufficient accommodation can be managed properly while correcting existing refractive error. Another concern is that patients who do get rid of their spectacle dependence may become dependent on “reading glasses” instead, which also poses a great inconvenience to their daily life. PresbyMAX® is one surgical procedure that can be utilized for presbyopic patients. This procedure consists of hybrid bi-aspherical micromonovision ablation. The cornea is ablated to a multifocal pattern by an excimer laser. “The target refraction is 0 diopters in the dominant eye, while the target refraction is -0.90 diopters in the non-dominant eye,” explained Dr. Zhang. With PresbyMAX®, spherical aberration induced by a multifocal design will be compensated automatically with the calculation using the anterior segment analysis system. However, with PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision (LBV), Dr. Zhang explained that this laser provides laser-blended The news magazine of the Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons Copyright 2022 APACRS. All rights reserved. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, editorial board, or publisher, and in no way imply endorsement by EyeWorld, Asia-Pacific or APACRS. In terms of wavefront aberration, spherical aberration values increased preoperatively to postoperatively in both dominant and non-dominant eyes in patients who underwent PRESBYOND® LBV. vision with target refraction for the dominant eye being 0 diopters and target refraction for the non-dominant eye being -1.5 diopters. If the patient cannot tolerate the difference during the initial test, surgeons should reduce the difference and adjust the spherical aberration based on the measurements of accommodative amplitude and functional age, stated Dr. Zhang. WIth PRESBYOND® LBV, surgeons can induce the patient’s spherical aberration, expand their depth of focus, and increase their visual range. Dr. Zhang shared data from her hospital of 21 patients who underwent PRESBYOND® LBV. From postoperative data at 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 At APACRS 2022 in Seoul, ZEISS hosted a lunch symposium on Saturday June 11, 2022 moderated by Beom Jin Cho, MD, PhD, South Korea and Thomas Kohnen, MD, PhD, FEBO, Germany. In this symposium, three leading ophthalmologists discussed new technologies in Corneal Refractive and Cataract Workflow. With the technologies of PRESBYOND® LBV, the VISUMAX® 800, and EQ Workplace, surgeons are able to experience greater efficiency in their Corneal Refractive and Cataract Workflow, and operating rooms. Presbyond – Looking Beyond Monovsion Feng Ju Zhang, MD, PhD, China Experience in LBV Treat ment for My opic patients with age-re lated accom modative insufficiency Presbyopia is an age-related condition in which the lens stops focusing light correctly on the retina. This refractive error makes it hard for older adults to see up close. A large number of the population remains unaware of their presbyopic issue, which makes management of presbyopia an important consideration in the older population. There are many methods to treat age-related accommodative insufficiency: non-surgical