EyeWorld Korea September 2021 Issue

CATARACT 18 EWAP SEPTEMBER 2021 “경험상, 이런 방식으로 환자와 꾸준히 소통하고 합병증이 발생한 사실을 인정하며 이에 대해 충분히 사과한 후에도 환자의 편에 서서 관여하고 도움을 주면 사실 이 환자들이 가장 충실한 환자라는 것을 알게 된다”고 Dr. Oetting이 말했다. 백내장 안과의는 이러한 사례가 발생하면 망막 전문의 동료에게 도움을 요청하는 것에 대해 민망하게 느끼지 말아야 한다고 덧붙였다. 마지막으로, Dr. Oetting은 의사소통의 중요성, 환자 곁에 머물러 줄 것, 합병증이 발생할 때 도움을 얻을 수 있는 네트워크 형성의 필요성에 대해 강조했다. EWAP Measure, visualize, understand Eyestar 900 features precise cornea-to-retina measurements, topographic assessment of the front and back corneal surface, the anterior chamber (including the lens) and imaging of all these structures. The fully automated measurement process enables the user to reliably acquire precise measurement and swept-source OCT imaging data of both eyes in less than 40 seconds. And more to come... An investment in the Eyestar 900 is an investment in the future. With periodical software updates, Haag-Streit is constantly adding new features and capabilities to ensure that the Eyestar 900 meets and exceeds your needs throughout its lifespan. All swept-source OCT precision measure- ments and imaging for greater safety and improved outcomes. « » www.haag-streit.com EYESTAR 900 Precision OCT Reference 1. Yeoh R. The ‘pupil snap’ sign of posterior capsule rupture with hydrodissection in phacoemul sification. Br J Ophthalmol . 1996;80:486. Editors’ note: Dr. Devgan is Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Jules Stein Eye Institute, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California. Dr. Oetting is Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Dr. Yeoh is Medical Director, Eye & Retina Surgeons, Singapore. None of the doctors disclosed relevant financial interests.