EyeWorld Korea June 2020 Issue

6 EWAP JUNE 2020 EYEWORLD ASIA-PACIFIC CHINESE EDITION Regional Managing Editor Yao Ke, MD Deputy Regional Editor He Shouzhi, MD Zhao Jialiang, MD Assistant Editors Zhouqi, MD Shentu Xingchao, MD APACRS Publisher: EyeWorld Asia-Pacific Edition (ISSN 1793-1835) is published quarterly by the Asia- Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (APACRS), c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, telephone (65) 6322-7469, fax (65) 6327-8630, email ewap@ apacrs.org. Printed in Singapore. Editorial Offices: EyeWorld Asia-Pacific Edition: Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (APACRS), c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, telephone (65) 6322-7469, fax (65) 6327-8630, email ewap@apacrs.org . Advertising Office: EyeWorld Asia-Pacific Edition: Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (APACRS), c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, telephone (1-703) 975-7766, email don@apacrs.org . Copyright 2019, Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (APACRS), c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, telephone (65) 6322-7469, fax (65) 6327-8630, email ewap@apacrs.org. Licensed through the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), 4000 Legato Road, Suite 700, Fairfax, VA 22033-4003, USA. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Letters to the editor and other unsolicited material are assumed intended for publication and are subject to editorial review and acceptance. The ideas and opinions expressed in EyeWorld Asia-Pacific do not necessarily reflect those of the editors, publishers or its advertisers. Subscriptions: Requests should be addressed to the APACRS publisher, c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, telephone (65) 6322-7469, fax (65) 6327-8630, email ewap@ apacrs.org. Back copies: Subject to availability. Contact the APACRS publisher, c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, telephone (65) 6322-7469, fax (65) 6327-8630, email ewap@ apacrs.org. Requests to reprint, use or republish: Requests to reprint or use material published herein should be made in writing only to the APACRS publisher, c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, telephone (65) 6322-7469, fax (65) 6327-8630, email ewap@apacrs.org . Change of address: Notice should be sent to the APACRS publisher, c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, six weeks in advance of effective date. Include old and new addresses and label from a recent issue. The APACRS publisher cannot accept responsibility for undelivered copies. KDN number: PPS1766/07/2013(022955) MCI (P) 020/02/2019 INDIA EDITION Regional Managing Editor S. Natarajan, MD Deputy Regional Editor Abhay Vasavada, MD KOREAN EDITION Regional Managing Editor Hungwon Tchah, MD Deputy Regional Editor Chul Young Choi, MD EDITORIAL BOARD Chief Medical Editor Graham Barrett, MD Chief Publisher Ronald Yeoh, MD Executive Director Kathy Chen Kathy.chen@apacrs.org Publishing Consultant Donald R Long don@apacrs.org PUBLISHING TEAM Senior Staff Writer Chiles Aedam R. Samaniego chiles.samaniego@apacrs.org Production Team Javian Teh Huang Weitian Sunshine Ng Christine Shimmon Aileen Bian Colleen Tang ewap@apacrs.org Chan Wing Kwong, MD, Singapore Ronald Yeoh, MD, Singapore John Chang, MD, Hong Kong SAR Pannet Pangputhipong, MD, Thailand YC Lee, MD, Malaysia Hiroko Bissen-Miyajima, MD, Japan Kimiya Shimizu, MD, Japan Sri Ganesh, MD, India Chee Soon Phaik, MD, Singapore Johan Hutauruk, MD, Indonesia EDITORIAL MEMBERS CONTENTS PHARMACEUTICALS 53 건성안에서 약리학의 영역 by Maxine Lipner 55 백내장 수술 외 목적으로 Dextenza 및 Dexycu 사용하기 by Liz Hillman NEWS & OPINION 57 글로벌안과학: 안과의들 사이에서 커지는 관심사 by Vanessa Caceres GLAUCOMA 48 자립생활이 환자를 위한 녹내장 치료의 핵심 결과이다 by Vanessa Caceres 41 원추각막에서 굴절결과를 위한 교차결합술, 콤보 시술 by Liz Hillman 44 LASIK, PRK, 재치료를 위한 상피 매핑의 사용 by Vanessa Caceres 45 재발성 각막짓무름 by Chiles Samaniego 50 MIGS로 집결관을 공략해야 할까? by Liz Hillman 52 연구는PKP 보다 내피각막이식술을 시행했을 때 IOP가 더 나은 것을 보여준다 by Stefanie Petrou Binder, MD