EyeWorld Korea June 2020 Issue

© 2020 Alcon GLB-ACP-2000001 Dr.Murta: More patients are selecting procedureswithmultifocal IOLs now than before, and patients are more informed on their choices ; for example, at least half of my surgeries today are for premiummultifocal IOLs and I expect the volumeof premiummultifocal IOL procedures will continue to increase. However, I am careful in choosing the right patients for PanOptix ® ; hyperopic patients tend to be the happiest ones after PanOptix ® implantation. Dr. Braga-Mele: While the introduction of PanOptix ® has not impacted the number of patients who I would consider eligible for multifocal implantation, with the introduction of PanOptix ® , I have converted many of my bifocal patients to trifocal patients . In my experience, patients who want to minimize the use of glasses or patients that are hyperopic are very motivated for PanOptix ® implantation. PanOptix ® as the trifocal of choice My “AHA!”Moment QUESTION Why do you choose PanOptix ® for your patients? Dr. Kaufer: I choose PanOptix ® over other IOL technologies because of its results. When you see patients with PanOptix ® come back happy, you are more comfortable implanting PanOptix ® in the next patient . In my practice, there were no disadvantages in switching from bifocals or other multifocal IOLs to PanOptix ® . Dr. Murta: I recommend PanOptix ® over other multifocal IOLs because it provides the best intermediate vision and is less dependent on the pupil size. Dr. Braga-Mele: I solely use PanOptix ® as a trifocal IOL because my patients are happy with the results. In Canada, most of my colleagues have adopted trifocal IOLs over other IOLs, and multifocal IOL implanters have switched to PanOptix ® . “There were no disadvantages in switching from bifocals or other multifocal IOLs to PanOptix ® .” - Dr. Kaufer ANSWERS I operated on a couple: he received ReSTOR ® (a bifocal IOL) and she received PanOptix ® . It was interesting to see the difference in the quality of vision in dim light . Comparing those two cases made it clear that there was a benefit with PanOptix ® . A close friend of mine, a physician, has hyperopia. Hedidnothavegooddistance,nearor intermediate vision without glasses. Before PanOptix ® was available, I was hesitant to perform the surgery becausehespendsa lotof timeonhis laptop, using intermediate vision. Three years post-PanOptix ® implantation, he is one of the happiest patients that I have inmy clinic. My patient, a dermatologist, was hesitant about multifocal IOL implantation because of the drawbacks (eg, lack of intermediate vision, positive dysphotopsia). I advocated for PanOptix ® after its launch, and after bilateral implantation he was able to examine patients up close, see the computer, and also drive home without the use of glasses. Dr. Murta, Dr. Kaufer, and Dr. Braga-Mele agree that PanOptix ® provides a valuable option for cataract patients eligible for multifocal IOL implantation. Unlike monofocal or bifocal IOLs, PanOptix ® provides clear and comfortable vision at all distances – near, intermediate and far – in all lighting conditions. Patients consistently report a high level of satisfaction, low rates of visual disturbances, and surgeons who have adopted PanOptix ® have benefited in their practice from increased efficiency. Reference List 1. Alcon Laboratories Inc. (2019) Product Information: AcrySof ® IQ PanOptix ® Trifocal IOL Model TFNT00, AcrySof ® IQ PanOptix ® Toric Trifocal IOL Models TFNT30, TFNT40, TFNT50, TFNT60. 2. Alcon (Web Page) PanOptix™ Enlightening Conversation. Updated September 30, 2016. Available online at https://theophthalmologist. com/subspecialties/panoptix-enlightening-conversation. Accessed: September 5, 2019. 3. Alcon (Web Page) Alcon Introduces AcrySof IQ PanOptix Trifocal IOL in the U.S., the First and Only FDA-Approved Trifocal Lens. Updated August 27, 2019. Available online at: https://www.alcon.com/media-release/alcon-introduces-acrysof-iq-panoptix-trifocal-iol-us-first-and- only-fda-approved. Accessed: September 5, 2019. 4. de Carneros-Llorente AM, de Carneros AM, de Carneros-Llorente PM, Jiménez-Alfaro I (2019) Comparison of visual quality and subjective outcomes among 3 trifocal intraocular lenses and 1 bifocal intraocular lens. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 45 (5): 587-594. Dr. Kaufer Dr. Murta Dr. Braga-Mele