EyeWorld Korea December 2020 Issue

Engineered for Rotational Stability NEW squared and frosted haptic design increases the amount of friction between lens haptic surface and capsular bag, locking in the IOL. Made on the same TECNIS ® platform, TECNIS ® Toric II IOL retains the same optical features, provides high-quality vision and is now engineered for rotational stability. TECNIS ® Toric II key study results: - Less than 1° absolute mean rotation seen at both 1-week and month. 1+ - 100% ≤5° rotation at 1 week, 99% ≤5° rotation at 1-month. 1+# Lock-in Visual Performance References: 1. DOF2019OTH4015 JJSV Data on file + The rotational stability of TECNIS ® Toric II IOLs was studied in a prospective, randomized, 9-visit (with 6 month follow-up), contralateral-eye study with 7 surgeons in 3 countries, outside of United States (US) # Only 1 eye had ≥ 5° rotation, but ≤ 10° rotation at 1-month. Physicians considering the use of the TECNIS ® Toric II IOLs should refer to the Directions for Use labeling for a complete list of indications and safety information. AMO Australia Pty Ltd, 1-5 Khartoum Rd, North Ryde 2113, NSW © Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. 2020 | PP2020CT549