EyeWorld Korea September 2019 Issue
References ([SHUW &RQVHQVXV RQ 7RSR JXLGHG FXVWRPL]HG /DVHU &RUQHDO 5HIUDFWLYH 6XUJHU\ LQ &KLQD 2SWRPHWU\ *URXS RI 2SKWKDOPRORJ\ %UDQFK RI &KLQHVH 0HGLFDO $VVRFLDWLRQ Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology. $PEUµVLR 5 HW DO ΖQWHJUDWLRQ RI 6FKHLPSȵXJ %DVHG &RUQHDO 7RPRJUDSK\ DQG %LRPHFKDQLFDO $VVHVVPHQWV IRU (QKDQFLQJ (FWDVLD 'HWHFWLRQ J Refract Surg. -XO :DOOHUVWHLQ $ *DXYLQ 0 4L 65 %DVKRXU 0 &RKHQ 0 3ULPDU\ 7RSRJUDSK\ *XLGHG /$6Ζ. 7UHDWLQJ 0DQLIHVW 5HIUDFWLYH $VWLJPDWLVP 9HUVXV 7RSRJUDSK\ 0HDVXUHG $QWHULRU &RUQHDO $VWLJPDWLVP J Refract Surg. -DQ /LX <& 5RVPDQ 0 0HKWD -6 (QKDQFHPHQW DIWHU 6PDOO ΖQFLVLRQ /HQWLFXOH ([WUDFWLRQ Ophthalmology )DWWDK 0$ $QWRQLRV 5 $UED 0RVTXHUD 6 $ELDG % $ZZDG 67 (SLWKHOLDO (URVLRQV DQG 5HIUDFWLYH 5HVXOWV $IWHU 6LQJOH 6WHS 7UDQVHSLWKHOLDO 3KRWRUHIUDFWLYH .HUDWHFWRP\ DQG $OFRKRO $VVLVWHG 3KRWRUHIUDFWLYH .HUDWHFWRP\ LQ 0\RSLF (\HV $ &RPSDUDWLYH (YDOXDWLRQ 2YHU 0RQWKV Cornea -DQ 'H 2UWXHWD ' $UED 0RVTXHUD 6 0DJQDJR 7 +LJK VSHHG UHFRUGLQJ RI WKHUPDO ORDG GXULQJ ODVHU WUDQV HSLWKHOLDO FRUQHDO UHIUDFWLYH VXUJHU\ XVLQJ D +] DEODWLRQ V\VWHP J Optom. $SU -XQ 9DUJDV )UDJRVR 9 DQG $OLµ - &RUQHDO FRPSHQVDWLRQ RI SUHVE\RSLD 3UHVE\/$6Ζ. DQ XSGDWHG UHYLHZ Eye and Vision *( 0HL &KDQJHV LQ 4 IDFWRU YDOXH RI FRUQHDO DQWHULRU DQG SRVWHULRU VXUIDFH DIWHU 4 IDFWRU JXLGHG /$6Ζ. J Chinese PLA Postgrad Med Sch. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this symposiumhighlights are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of Alcon. Any liability or obligation for loss or damage howsoever arising is hereby disclaimed. No part of this publicationmay be reproduced by any process in any languagewithout thewritten permission of Alcon. 6DWLVIDFWRU\ UHVXOWV IRU SUHVE\RSLD FRXOG EH DFKLHYHG E\ 4 DGMXVWHG FXVWRPL]HG VWUDWHJ\ VDIHW\ HɝFDF\ DQG VWDELOLW\ RI ZKLFK KDV EHHQ GHPRQVWUDWHG LQ &XVWRP 4 /$6Ζ. Custom Q LASIK can reconstruct the corneal aspheric surface and improve the visual acuity of presbyopic patients. The Q factor value, that determines the prolateness of the cornea is lower after Custom Q LASIK compared to the conventional LASIK. 8 “Custom Q LASIK has been shown to provide safe, HHFWLYH DQG VWDEOH FRUUHFWLRQV LQ K\SHURSLD emmetropia subjects with presbyopia,” added Prof Zhang. 7DEOH 3UH UHTXLVLWHV IRU &XVWRP 4 /$6Ζ. • 5HJXODU FRUQHDO FXUYDWXUH 4 &\OLQGHU ' VSKHUH '' ' • Pupil size and sensitivity • Simulate monovision with glass or contact lens in near/intermediate and distance • 5HSURGXFLEOH FRUQHDO WRSRJUDSK\ • Essential to make sure which eye is the dominant H\H DQG ZKLFK RQH LV QRQ GRPLQDQW • 4 YDOXH IRU QRQ GRPLQDWH H\H WR EH FKRVHQ DFFRUGLQJ WR SUH RSHUDWLYH YDOXH • &RXQVHO SDWLHQWV WR ORZ H[SHFWDWLRQ EHIRUH WKH surgery • Minimizes potential intraoperative complications • Provides faster visual and refractive recovery
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