EyeWorld Korea September 2019 Issue
&RQWRXUD TM Vision in Ai-er Hospitals Prof. Wang Zheng Reliable topography data, proper surgical design and registration are NH\ DVSHFWV RI VXFFHVVIXO &RQWRXUD TM WUHDWPHQW 3K\VLFLDQ WHFKQLFLDQ and patient education are equally LPSRUWDQW WR HQVXUH RSWLPDO RXWFRPH &RQWRXUD TM FDQ EH XVHG LQ /$6Ζ. DV ZHOO as surface ablation procedures. Fine- tuning in surgical design, especially the PDQDJHPHQW RI F\OLQGHU FDQ IXUWKHU LPSURYH WKH RXWFRPHV ZLWK &RQWRXUD TM . 'U 5RKLW 6KHWW\ Narayana Nethralaya Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology, Bangalore, India Dr. Aanchal Gupta Cataract, Corneal and Refractive Surgeon Adelaide, Australia Dr. Rick Wolfe Director/Founder, Peninsula Eye Centre and VISTAeyes, Australia Prof. Wang Zheng Ai-Er Eye Hospital, Guangzhou, China 5 )LJXUH 2QH \HDU 8&9$ DQG &'9$ DIWHU &RQWRXUD TM Vision PRK plus cross-linking, based on observation by Dr Wang in Ai-er hospitals. 0RGLȴHG PDQLIHVW UHIUDFWLRQ EDVHG &RQWRXUD TM 9LVLRQ ZDV REVHUYHG WR RHU better predictability, accuracy and safety RYHU 6&+:Ζ1' $PDULV 6 EDVHG RQ H[SHULHQFH IURP 'U /LQȇV FOLQLFV Even though these results were not published, these observations were consistent with the ȴQGLQJV RI D UHFHQWO\ SXEOLVKHG VWXG\ ZKLFK VWDWH that topography-guided myopic astigmatism LASIK treated on the topography-measured anterior corneal astigmatism axis resulted in inferior refractive and visual outcomes compared to treating on the clinical manifest refractive astigmatism axis. Dr. Wang Zheng, a Hospital Director at the Ai-er Eye Hospital, shared his experience on improving HɝFLHQF\ DQG RSWLPLVLQJ UHVXOWV ZLWK &RQWRXUD TM Vision. Physician education plays an important role in promoting Contoura TM Vision. Ai-er hospitals organize training courses for physicians on Contoura TM, which is particularly useful in patients with irregular corneas compared to standard treatment. “We encourage physicians to look at patient pre-operative maps to emphasize that irregular corneas are very common among patients”, stated Dr. Wang Dr Wang shared his personal experience based on the clinical procedures in his clinics. In using the Contoura TM Vision photorefractive keratectomy 35. SOXV FURVV OLQNLQJ LQ H\HV XQGHU ' ZLWK asymmetrical, irregular or very thin cornea, Dr Wang was able to observe an improvement to the UCVA and CDVA at 1-year post-operation (Figure 2). 'U :DQJ REVHUYHG WKDW RI KLV SDWLHQWV KDG 8&9$ RI DQG KDG 8&9$ RI ΖW ZDV IXUWKHU REVHUYHG WKDW SDWLHQWV JDLQHG RQH OLQH at 1-year. There was a slight increase in spherical aberrations and the corneal coma was reduced, while the ocular coma was increased after surgery. This was because ocular wavefront centres on the pupil, while the corneal wavefront centres on the vertex, explained Dr. Wang.
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