EyeWorld Korea September 2019 Issue

&OLQLFDO 2XWFRPHV RI &RQWRXUD70 9LVLRQ YV $PDULV 6 Dr. Pierce Lin Pi Jung &OLQLFDO (YDOXDWLRQ RI &RQWRXUD TM 9LVLRQ RXWFRPHV Dr. Sharif Hashmani 3URI %DL -L Ophthalmological Hospital, Chongqing, China 'U 3LHUFH /LQ 3L -XQJ Chief Surgeon, Laser Refractive Surgery at Universal Eye Center Taiwan 'U 6KDULI +DVKPDQL Chairman Hasmanis Hospital, Pakistan Pakistan. Dr. Alnette Lee Tan Refractive surgeon American Eye Center, Philippines 4 )LJXUH &RQWRXUD TM GHPRQVWUDWHG KLJKHU DFFXUDF\ ZKHQ FRPSDUHG WR 6&+:Ζ1' $PDULV 6 as observed in Dr Lin’s clinics Dr. Sharif Hashmani provided an overview of the clinical outcomes with Contoura TM vision highlighting improvement in uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) and uncorrected distance visual acuity (UCDVA), predictable refractive outcomes DQG UHGXFHG YLVXDO V\PSWRPV VDIHW\ HɝFDF\ DQG patient satisfaction. Contoura TM FDA pivotal study results were presented. 5ROH RI 7RSRJUDSK\ 0RGLȴHG 5HIUDFWLRQ 705 LQ treating astigmatism was also discussed. Dr. Sharif touched upon the concept of phorcides, a new software based on vector analysis, which considers magnitude and axis of topographic and refractive astigmatism and ocular residual astigmatism (ORA) to predict the optimal axis to treat. 7RSRJUDSK\ PRGLȴHG UHIUDFWLRQ 705 LV D relatively new concept that involves adjustment of the clinical refraction based on topographic data. Dr. Pierce Lin Pi Jung shared his personal clinical experience with Contoura TM Vision and SCHWIND $PDULV 6 %DVHG RQ KLV H[SHULHQFH ZLWK 144 patients (286 eyes), Dr Lin compared the SUHGLFWDELOLW\ DFFXUDF\ HɝFDF\ DQG VDIHW\ RI 6&+:Ζ1' $PDULV 6 DEHUUDWLRQ IUHH YHUVXV EX500: WFO, Custom Q, Contoura TM (applying manifest refraction). :KLOH 6&+:Ζ1' $PDULV 6 DQG (; :)2 and Custom Q) showed good predictability of spherical equivalent, cylinder distribution and accuracy, Contoura TM was associated with better post-operative UDVA and safety. Another important consideration is TMR, where the amount and axis of astigmatism treated is based on topographic data. In a separate investigation, Dr. Lin explained that the GHȴQLWLRQ RI PDQLIHVW UHIUDFWLRQ RI &RQWRXUD TM ZDV FKDQJHG DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH D[LV GL΍HUHQFH which was limited to manifest vs. measured axis ȱ The observations showed that predictability of spherical 1-month post-operatively was almost VLPLODU LQ ERWK $PDULV 6 DQG &RQWRXUD TM , but Contoura TM seemed to be little better. ΖQPRUH WKDQ RI FDVHV DFFXUDF\ RI &RQWRXUD TM was observed to be within 0.5D, and the UDVC DQG VDIHW\ ZDV WKRXJKW WR EH superior with Contoura TM compared to SCHWIND $PDULV 6 )LJXUH