EyeWorld Korea December 2019 Issue

2 | ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY IOLs Advanced-technologyIOLsincludingasphericIOLs, toricIOLs,multifocal IOLsandaccommodativeIOLs have transformed cataract surgery into refractive surgery providing enhanced visual performance and optimizing refractive outcomes. The aspheric IOLs counteract the natural spherical aberration SUHVHQW LQ WKH KXPDQ H\H ZKLOH WRULF Ζ2/V R΍HU URWDWLRQDO VWDELOLW\ DQG UHIUDFWLYH SUHGLFWDELOLW\ $V opposed to monofocal IOLs that provide one point of focus and result in either a good near vision or distance vision, advanced technology multifocal IOLs provide two or more points of focus and improve both near and distance vision promoting spectacle independence. Since intermediate vision is most important for performing daily tasks on computers and smartphones, trifocal IOLs that improve intermediate vision along with near and far vision play an important role in enhancing patient satisfaction. AcrySof ® PanOptix ® and PanOptix ® Toric IOLs Michael Lawless AcrySof ® Ζ43DQ2SWL[ ® LV D WULIRFDO Ζ2/ GHVLJQHG to provide an enhanced visual performance with complete range of vision for near, intermediate, and far distances after cataract surgery, thus reducing spectacle dependence. AcrySof ® Ζ4 3DQ2SWL[ ® toric presbyopia and DVWLJPDWLVP FRUUHFWLQJ Ζ2/ LV LQWHQGHG IRU XVH LQ FDWDUDFW VXUJHU\ SDWLHQWV ZLWK SUH H[LVWLQJ corneal astigmatism and allows cataract treatment and astigmatism correction in a single procedure. AcrySof ® 3DQ2SWL[ ® trifocal Ζ2/V KDYH EHHQ VKRZQ WR SURYLGH EHWWHU visual outcomes at near and intermediate GLVWDQFH YLVLRQ FRPSDUHG WR =(Ζ66 $7 /Ζ6$ ® WUL 03 Ζ2/ DW PRQWKV SRVW RSHUDWLYHO\ 1 AcrySof ® 3DQ2SWL[ ® WULIRFDO Ζ2/V KDYH DOVR GHPRQVWUDWHG VLJQLȴFDQW LPSURYHPHQW LQ near, intermediate and distance visual acuity 12-months after cataract surgery. 2 $ -DSDQHVH VWXG\ WKDW HYDOXDWHG WKH H΍HFW RI manifest refraction spherical equivalent error on visual acuity in eyes that received a trifocal Ζ2/ VKRZHG WKDW VOLJKW P\RSLD VLJQLȴFDQWO\ improved near visual acuity but worsened distance visual acuity, whereas slight hyperopia worsened both distance and near visual acuity. Therefore, though emmetropia is the optimum target, slight myopia is a better target refraction than slight hyperopia LQ SDWLHQWV UHFHLYLQJ WULIRFDO Ζ2/V &RPSDULVRQ RI 3DQ 2SWL[ ® SDQIRFDO DQG $7 /Ζ6$ ® WULIRFDO Ζ2/ DIWHU IHPWRVHFRQG ODVHU assisted lens surgery showed that both Pan- 2SWL[ DQG $W /Ζ6$ ® Ζ2/V SURYLGHG H[FHOOHQW GLVWDQFH LQWHUPHGLDWH and near vision, high spectacle independence and high patient VDWLVIDFWLRQ +RZHYHU 3DQ2SWL[ ® was better for patients with LQWHUPHGLDWH YLVLRQ UHTXLUHPHQWV DW FP FRPSDUHG WR WULIRFDO $W /Ζ6$ ® Ζ2/ DW FP 4 ΖQ RUGHU WR GHULYH WKH EHVW SRVVLEOH EHQHȴW LGHQWLȴFDWLRQ RI SDWLHQWV ZKR DUH LGHDO FDQGLGDWHV IRU WULIRFDO Ζ2/V LV FUXFLDO 7KRXJK SRVW RSHUDWLYH YLVLRQ LV QRW D΍HFWHG E\ DQJOH NDSSD Ƈ WKH TXDOLW\ RI YLVLRQ ZLOO EH GHJUDGHG ZLWK D WULIRFDO OHQV LI Ƈ! PP DQG WKHUH ZLOO EH PRUH JODUHV DQG KDORV LI Ƈ! PP 7KHUHIRUH LW LV HVVHQWLDO WR DVVHVV WKH FKRLFH RI WULIRFDO Ζ2/V LQ SDWLHQWV ZLWK ODUJHU DQJOH NDSSD ȊΖ DP FDXWLRXV UHJDUGLQJ WULIRFDO Ζ2/V LQ SDWLHQWV ZLWK D SUHRSHUDWLYH FRUQHDO FRPD ! RU WRWDO FRUQHDO KLJKHU RUGHU DEHUUDWLRQ +2$ ! IRU D FRUQHDO GLDPHWHU RI PP 6RPH PHFKDQLVP RI ORRNLQJ LQ greater depth at the quality of visually relevant topography in the FHQWUDO PP ]RQH ZLOO KHOS WR GHFLGH SDWLHQW VXLWDELOLW\ IRU WULIRFDO Ζ2/Vȋ DGGHG 'U /DZOHVV Ȋ6LQFH UHIUDFWLYH WDUJHW QHDU SODQR ZLWK WULIRFDO Ζ2/ LV WKH RSWLPDO WDUJHW P\ EHQFKPDUN LV RXW RI SHRSOH VKRXOG EH RQ WDUJHW ZLWKLQ ' RI VSKHUH DQG F\OLQGHU IRU HQKDQFHPHQW UDWH DQG <$* FDSVXORWRP\ UDWHV WR EH UHGXFHG ȋ 'U 0LFKDHO /DZOHVV 3DQ 2SWL[ ® WRULF Ζ2/V SURYLGH HQKDQFHG YLVXDO SHUIRUPDQFH DQG RSWLPL]HG UHIUDFWLYH RXWFRPHV ZLWK FRPSOHWH UDQJH RI YLVLRQ IURP QHDU WR LQWHUPHGLDWH WR IDU GLVWDQFH SURPRWLQJ VSHFWDFOH LQGHSHQGHQFH Beginning with the AcrySof ® SODWIRUP IRXQGDWLRQ ZKLFK ZDV WKH ȴUVW PDWHULDO XVHG IRU Ζ2/V technological evolution and innovation has led to improvements in design, material and optics of IOLs. Clareon ® is a next generation advanced monofocal IOL made from hydroxyethyl methacrylate +(0$ D K\GURSKRELF DFU\OLF WKDW KHOSV WKH Ζ2/ WR FRQWURO LWV ZDWHU FRQWHQW DQG R΍HU XQVXUSDVVHG optical clarity. Clareon ® AutonoMe ® LV WKH ȴUVW DQG RQO\ DXWRPDWHG GLVSRVDEOH DQG SUHORDGHG Ζ2/ delivery system with comfortable ergonomic hand positions, speed control and full IOL visibility during delivery. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF CLAREON ® AND CLAREON ® AUTONOME ® Cheong Fook Meng Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Ronald Yeoh Eye & Retina Surgeons Singapore David Lubeck Arbor Eye Care USA Lucien Angelen Global Strategist Digital health for Deloitte’s Center for the Edge The Netherlands Michael Lawless Vision Eye Institute Australia Abhay Vasavada Raghudeep Eye Hospital India