EyeWorld Korea December 2019 Issue

D Comparison of clinical outcomes of ‘Mix-and-Match’ (with EDoF/+3.25 add Bifocal IOLs) & Bilateral Trifocal IOLs " The uncorrected defocus curves, monocular and binocular visual acuity values were superior in the group that received the extended depth of focus (EDoF) IOL. " patients did complain about near vision and having to use spectacles. What is the solution? Dr. Nakamura suggests that contralateral implantation of Symfony and TECNIS Multifocal IOLs may be able to relieve the need for spectacles for those patients with near vision issues. In one case study Dr. Nakamura presented, a 59 year-old female visited his clinic to undergo cataract surgery with a multifocal IOL because she often partici- pated in athletic events and she desired relief from wear- ing contact lenses. The pa- tient emphasized her need for far vision and selected the TECNIS Symfony IOL which was then implanted in her right eye. After im- plantation, far vision in right eye was 1.2 (n.c.) and near vision right eye at 0.3(0.9 x +1.75D). While she was satisfied with the vision of TECNIS Symfony from far to in- termediate distance, she was unsatisfied with her near vision. Therefore, Dr. Nakamura recommended implantation of the TECNIS Multifocal IOL in her other eye. After operation, far vision in both eyes was 1.2 (n.c.) and NVd = 0.3(1.0 x +2.0D:cyl-0.5Dax180) and NVs = 0.9(1.0 x +0.5D:- cyl-0.75Dax175). After this second operation, the patient no longer needed spectacles or contact lenses and was completely satisfied with her outcome. r. Choi first presented a clinical study that compared the bilateral TECNIS monofocal IOL and the Tecnis Symfony IOL over a period of 3 months in 60 patients. This prospective study showed that the un- corrected defocus curves, monocular and binocular visual acuity values were su- perior in the group that re- ceived the extended depth of focus (EDoF) IOL. Even with the same material and optical platform, the TECNIS Symfony IOL showed bet- ter tolerance to residual post-operative refractive er- ror than the monofocal IOL. In a “Mix & Match” prospective study, Dr. Choi studied 25 patients for 6 months in which patients had the visual potential of 20/25 or better in each eye while their pre-oper- ative corneal astigmatism from the IOL Master was less than 1 diopter. In the “Mix & Match” group, the TECNIS Symfony IOL was implanted in dominant eyes and TECNIS ZLB00 IOL was implanted in non-dominant eyes. Patients in the Pan- Optix group received the PanOptix IOL for both eyes. The “Mix & Match” strategy indeed proved to i f cli ical utco es of ‘ i - - t ’ ( it oF/ 3.25 ad Bifocal IOLs) il l rif c l I Ls Chui Young Choi, MD, PhD Figure 2. Uncorrected defocus curves for patients in the “Mix & Match” group compared with patients receiving PanOptix. (Image taken from Dr. Choi's presentation) " The uncor ected defocus curves, monocular and binocular visual acuity values were superior in the group that received the extended depth of focus ( oF) IOL.