EyeWorld Korea December 2015 Issue

Be Part of WOC2016! /attendwoc /attendwoc • Choose from over 200 scientific sessions, 1,446 free papers and posters, and 26 subspecialty day sessions. 70 societies have contributed to the scientific program. • Learn about the latest products and services from over 100 exhibitors • Network with 900+ invited speakers and 7,000+ participants from 100+ countries World Ophthalmology Congress ® of the International Council of Ophthalmology Host: Mexican Society of Ophthalmology Co-host: Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology Register to Attend this Global Event February 5-9 in Guadalajara, Mexico woc2016.org Mark Your Calendar: WOC2018 June 16-19 Barcelona, Spain /icoandwoc /icoandwoc