EyeWorld Korea September 2014 Issue

September 2014 4 EWAP TABLE OF CONTENTS 2014년 10월호 Keratorefractive enhancement of pseu- dophakes 8 - 17 ೟ଙઘ ԗ 3 ഑ ߸ݼ ৸ ܫ ଊ ࡻੋ عࡘ 8 Paying the premium lens piper ચਉ Ӹ઻ ઊࣛ ৵ ބ ֢ ളੋ ѿ؟ഡѿ" Maxine Lipner ઺ ߚ ѿ અҽ 3R. ࠕ ֳણ ीઘ ڝ ਁҲ ൭Әહઌ Ӹ઻ी ࣷ౗ 11 Experts: PRK effective refractive surgery option for cataract surgeons ीઘѿ Ӹ઻ी ൴ܳઊ ࡘ ૓ട د ޷ އ ੸ ઺ ߚ ѿ ڝ ੸ /$6,. دࡂ ؘ 3R. ݴ ࣏ੋഢ ҫ੹ ૂ৊ഡ د Michelle Dalton Ӹ઻ ӯીीਁ Ӛഡ ൝ઘ ࣛ ع 16 Counseling patients about refractive enhancement ൝ઘਁ ܅گ ीઘؘ Ӹ઻ ӯીी ઺ ҩ࣏ ץ ݴ અടؘ ҫઊ ૝ د Ellen Stodola $rWKXr /LP ӯ़ਁҲ ࠅ ௗؘ വ࣏ 33 - 36 A tribute to Prof Arthur Lim 18 41 CATARACT/IOL ़ी ૻ ٳ Ӗ൜ણ ֥നഡ ଑ܺ ॕҲ ௗ ݑ ടԞ 30 Intraoperative pupil expansion: Making challenging cases easier ౿ૂ ѿ؟ഡ ઌઘ ݴ ଒ીടਉ ѿ؟ऀ੹ மघ൛ഡ د Making every case as routine as possible requires addressing controllable factors, minimizing chance Tony Realini, MD, MPH ૻӋୱਕ৹࣏੘ਁҲ઺ടؘ࣏Ә ӯ੮ ف ಹ ࡘ ޓ 36 An apology to used car salespeople: Educating vs. selling, part one ൝ઘ ڝ Ә ,2/Vઅ ࠋ ઺ ټ Ԟी੹ ץ અടؘ ҫ੸ ૂഀઊ֢ ଔ ݑ ࣳࡻफ़ ز ݴ ाඥ²ಹ ޓ ³ടؘ ҫઊ ৈ دإ Discussing advanced technology IOLs with patients isn’t simply “selling” a product or service Richard Tipperman, MD GLAUCOMA - Secondary feature: ೥नҀ פ ֳણ ൝ઘਁҲ ࠕ ֳણ ़ी १ര 18 Making the case for cataract surgery in angle closure glaucoma patients פ ֳણ ़ी دࡂ ीԞѿ ز ाടӋ ৊৒ ҆घਁ ٩੒ઊ دټ Procedure is simpler than glaucoma surgery, helps to lower IOP Vanessa Caceres ੘ ࠋ ऀ ґ ࠒ Ҁ פ ֳણ 32$* ઊ ґઌ ސ ஻ൌ 21 ଖ൝੶ܾ ٻ Ӌ ઔ د POAG is becoming an individualized disease ઺ ߚ ѿਁ અട޷ ଖ࠾ ଔ ز ઊ֢ ଔരਉ ݴࡘ २࠺ഢ ़ ઔؘ ز ઍ ҩؘ࣏ ৺੶޵ ൝ઘਁ ܅گ ച੄ഡ ҩ࣏٩ دݱد Ӌ ഡ د No single test is best for diagnosing the disease or progression, experts say. It all depends on the patient Michelle Dalton ܾࣝ ґ ࠋ ૻઌ ܾࣝ੎ פ ֳણ ௗ ݑ ૂ 23 New glaucoma treatments in the pipeline ܾࣝ੎ ӆ਍અ ௗ ݑ ૂਭ ORnJ DcWLnJ ੄ࠩઊ ґ ࠋ ૻਁ ઔৰ A new class of agents and long-term therapy on the way Maxine Lipner )'$ $*6ன൦ਁࣳமघ௝।હ פ ֳણ़ी0,*6 27 ࠅڤ ઊफ़અ߸ܑਁӚഡ ץ અѿ൞ ࠋ ടҲઊ ݗ ৰ૏ د FDA/AGS meeting facilitates discussion about future of MIGS devices Discussions and topics seek to aid “innovation in the ophthalmic arena” Ellen Stodola 27 ࠕ ֳણ़ी ࠋ ઺੹੥ഡ೚౸஢ ܩ ઊસઅણઽ 38 Femtosecond laser advantages for cataract surgery evolving ࠹൛ ߗ ॺഡ Ԟी੹ ܅گ ઠԞ ੥നؘࣳ ଒ङહ ਌Ӵѿ ച੄ട د Ever-changing technology requires continuous study Vanessa Caceres ࠕ ֳણௗ ݑ ਁ࣏ੋ ٻ ؘ೚౸ ޻ऀ ف ܾ൭Әહઌѿ" 41 Can the femto for cataract live up to its hype? ઊ݀ ࠃ ૂഡ ټ ઑࣛ ٙઊౡ ݴ Ԟ ࠉ ੶ܾ ڹ ࡆ ²ா࡚ඥ ԓ دܨ ³ In theory and in limited clinical data, the answer is: “Absolutely” Michelle Dalton ೚౸஢ ൑҆٩ਁ ف ഡ ೤ѿ 44 Assessing femtosecond favorability ܩ ઊસ ࣏ੋ੶ܾ $. ਙௐѿ؟ऀઊ ലࣛ ٻ ؘѿ" Does the laser make AK more predictable? Maxine Lipner ೚౸஢ ܩ ઊસ ࠕ ֳણ ़ीਁ Ӛഡ ઺ंӆહ ઌ२ 47 Global reception of femtosecond laser cataract surgery ܾࣝ੎ Ԟीઊ ઺ंӆਁࣳ ݱد Ҳ ࣏ੋ ٻ Ӌ ઔ د The new technology is being used differently around the world by Ellen Stodola REFRACTIVE 7RSRJrDSK\ ੭٩ട cRrneD DEODWLRnെൠ 50 The current state of topography-guided ablations 7RSRJrDSK\ ੭٩ട cRrneD DEODWLRnઊ ࣏ੋ ٻ ؘ હ੾଑ਁ ܅گ ളѿ࣏ധӘ ൝ઘઅ ࣷ౗ ԃӋѿ دݱد Approvals and patient selection recommendations differ depending on where topography-guided ablation is being used Ellen Stodola ²৊Ә ਕਊઅ ൅३³ਁ ٩੒ઊ ٻ ؘ ൛ૂ ץ ݴ અട د