EyeWorld Korea September 2014 Issue

www.APACRS.org Licensed Publication ૂ ൦ $3$&56 ਌ܺ ഠी ف ൦ ઌ٩ ઘઊ೺ ݱ ૲੄ ֳੋ — P. 5 & P.7 16$,'ਁ ف ഡ ம३ ી ࡂ — P. 64 Table of Contents P. 4 & P. 6 Vol. 10, No. 3 September 2014 The Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons 6ZHSW VRXUFH ࠒ २અ 2&7 — P. 62 ಡଙ ઌӖ़ીஔઅ Ҁ ޅ Ӹ઻ӯી ҋ൛ ഑ ߸ݼ ৸ ܫ ଊ ࡻੋ عࡘ 3DJH Paying the premium lens piper 전 ߚ ѿ અҽ 35. ࠕ ֳણ ीઘ ڝ ਁҲ ൭Әહઌ Ӹ઻ी ࣷ౗ 3DJH Experts: PRK effective option for cataract surgeons Ӹ઻ ӯીीਁ Ӛഡ ൝ઘ ࣛ ع 3DJH Counseling patients about refractive enhancement Join Us In Jaipur! 13-16 Nov 2014 ഡӵৰಹ