EyeWorld India June 2023 Issue

NEWS & OPINION EWAP JUNE 2023 53 by Daniel Lee, MD, Adam Hanif, MD, Ashlin Joye, DO, Kaitlin Kogachi, MD, Claire Mueller, MD, Daniel Tu, MD, PhD Oregon Health & Science University, Casey Eye Institute ophthalmology residents Contact information Lee: leedani@ohsu.edu Tu: tu@ohsu.edu Review of ‘Impact of personality on the decision process and on satisfaction rates in pseudophakic presbyopic correction’ Presbyopia is an age-related visual phenomenon that results in gradual difficulty with near and intermediate vision tasks. 1 Several interventions have been introduced to address presbyopia, including the introduction of presbyopic IOLs, which can be implanted after removal of either a cataract or a clear crystalline lens. 2 Prior reports suggest that factors related to patient personality are just as important to perceived surgical success and postoperative satisfaction as other more objective clinical measures. 3 Ntonti et al. sought to better understand the impact of patient personality on both the IOL selection process and the postoperative satisfaction of patients who underwent pseudophakic presbyopic correction. 4 Methods Participants for this prospective observational study were recruited from the University Hospital of Alexandroupolis in Greece. Eligible subjects required a diagnosis of Lens Opacities Classification System II stage bilateral senile cataracts and the use of near vision spectacles for at least 2 years prior to their initial visit. Subjects were excluded if they had a diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, corneal surface disease, prior eye surgery, manifest astigmatism <0.50 D, mesopic pupil diameter <4.8 mm, chord-mu <0.4 mm, and coma below 0.32 µm. An independent researcher provided eligible patients with information about cataract surgery, prior outcomes reported by this study group, and video simulation of various dysphotopic phenomena. Participants were offered the option of bilateral trifocal correction (PanOptix IOL, Alcon) or bilateral mini-monovision monofocal correction (AcrySof IOL, Alcon) with no difference in cost. Participants responded to the Traits Personality Questionnaire 5 (TPQue5) during their initial consultation and subsequently completed the Greek version of the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire-25 (NEI-VFQ-25) 6 months after the operation of the second eye. All operations were performed by the same surgeon. The subjects who underwent bilateral trifocal correction were subdivided into three groups based on their postoperative satisfaction. The impact of personality on the IOL selection process as well as postoperative satisfaction was assessed using data modeling with decision trees and multiple regression analysis. Results Of the 120 participants (60 men and 60 women), 81 participants (67.5%; 24 men, 57 women) chose bilateral trifocal IOL implantation. Those who chose the trifocal IOL option were significantly younger than those who chose the monofocal IOL This article originally appeared in the April 2023 issue of EyeWorld. It has been slightly modified and appears here with permission from the ASCRS Ophthalmic Services Corp. Daniel Tu, MD Residency Program Director Casey Eye Institute Oregon Health & Science University Portland, Oregon Claire Mueller, MD, Ashlin Joye, DO, Daniel Tu, MD, PhD, Daniel Lee, MD, Adam Hanif, MD, Kaitlin Kogachi, MD. Source: Casey Eye Institute