EyeWorld India September 2022 Issue

Synergy™ provides the widest range of continuous vision with the best near distance vision. questionnaires, Dr. Fam found that Synergy™ outperforms PanOptix® by almost 10 percentage points in the situation of reading menus in dimly lit restaurants. Additionally, Synergy™ performs better than PanOptix® in the situation of patients noticing steps or curbs at night time. Dr. Fam did note that in terms of quality of vision, from other studies, there was no statistically significant difference among IOL groups in the frequency, severity, and bothersomeness of different disturbing visual symptoms including glare, halos, and starbursts. When implanting monofocal or multifocal IOLs, Dr. Fam suggests targeting slightly on the plus side of optical power. Specifically for Synergy™, Dr. Fam does not hesitate in targeting as close to + 0.1 D or + 0.15 D as this strategy seems to give less glare and halo compared to targeting myopia. Concluding his presentation, Dr. Fam stated that, “if you want to see far and near, the Synergy™ IOL is the one you want. It synergistically combines diffractive multifocal technology and EDOF technology to deliver continuous contrasty vision across a wide functional range.” Copyright 2022 APACRS. All rights reserved. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, editorial board, or publisher, and in no way imply endorsement by EyeWorld, Asia-Pacific or APACRS. All other trademarks are the intellectual property of their respective owners. © Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. 2022 PP2022MLT6001 [image @ 37:45: Synergy™ provides the widest range of continuous vision with the best near distance vision.] performance at distance vision, indistinct ADD power, and a bridging of the visual gap at < 0.1 logMAR depth (good near vision). In one of Dr. Fam’s recent studies, he examined light intensity ratios and light efficiency of different IOLs and found that EDOF and hybrid presbyopia-correcting lenses provided a higher light efficiency than that of multifocal IOLs. In fact, Synergy™ makes use of 100% of light energy: no energy is wasted compared to monofocal IOLs (81% of light intensity is lost). Thus, the Synergy™ IOL results in significantly better light efficiency than the monofocal IOLs. In another study, Dr. Fam compared the clinical performance of 116 patients implanted with the Synergy™ IOL to 62 patients implanted with the PanOptix® IOL in a prospective multicenter study. The results of this study showed that Synergy™ provides the widest range of continuous vision with the best near distance vision. Compared to PanOptix®, Synergy™ performs slightly better in far and intermediate distances, but significantly better in near distances. In patient-reported Optimizing Patient Outcomes with Advanced Surgical Technology On Sunday June 12, 2022, a video symposium hosted by J&J invited ophthalmologists to discuss their experiences with the CATALYS™ Precision Laser System and the VERITAS™ Vision System. Professor Tae Im Kim, South Korea, began the discussion outlining the advantages of the CATALYS™ laser with implantation using the TECNIS Eyhance™ Toric II IOL. “Among the many fascinating machines [available], I believe the J&J CATALYS™ is undoubtedly the best surgical platform in existence,” said Prof. Kim. With less than one second of continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (CCC) treatment time, a small suction ring size of 19 mm, and a low IOP rise approximately 10 mmHg, Prof. Kim experiences the highest rate of perfect lens fragmentation with CATALYS™. Prof. Kim performs cataract surgeries with the TECNIS Eyhance™ Toric II IOL, which features higher-order aspheric technology, provides improved intermediate vision (compared to aspheric monofocal IOLs), good distance vision, and a similar photic phenomena pro le to aspheric monofocal IOLs. Prof. Kim presented patient cases that underwent procedures using the femtosecond laser. In one video presentation, Prof. Kim outlined the procedural steps of implanting the Eyhance™ Toric II lens in a patient with white dense cataracts. The surgery was successful with no complications and improved vision postoperatively. In another successful case of implantation, Prof. Kim was happy to explain that “during the entire surgical procedure, I can clearly see the axis marks and perform IOL alignment according to the marks quite conveniently.” Prof. Kim noted that she now prefers to use the CATALYS™ system with Eyhance™ Toric II IOLs in her cataract surgeries for patients with corneal astigmatism. Mahipal Sachdev, MD, India continued the discussion by presenting new advancements in phacoemulsi cation with the VERITAS™ Vision System. The VERITAS™ System, Dr. Sachdev explained, is based on three fundamental pillars: improved stability and safety, exceptional phacoef ciency, and a surgeon-centered design. VERITAS™ engages hybrid uidics with its Advanced Tubing System (ATS) which minimizes post-occlusion surge for unsurpassed chamber stability. Another new design feature with the VERITAS™ System is the ergonomic swivel phaco handpiece which optimizes the surgeon’s comfort during surgical procedures to reduce fatigue. There is also an ergonomic foot pedal that also provides more comfort and control. Through one video case presentation, Dr. Sachdev showed his technique with a direct chop, showing how the anterior chamber maintained rock solid stability throughout the procedure. “The VERITAS™ System is a step signi cantly higher than the present machines,” said Dr. Sachdev, because of the advantages of stability, ergonomics, and control. Innovations in Cataract Surgery Synergy™ provides the widest range of continuous vision with the best near distance vision. questionnaires, Dr. Fam found that Sy ergy™ outperforms PanOptix® by almost 10 percentage points in the situation of reading menus in dimly lit restaurants. Additionally, Synergy™ performs better than PanOptix® in the situation of p tients noticing steps or curbs at night time. Dr. Fam did note that in er s of qu lity of vision, from other studies, there was n statistically significant difference among IOL groups in th frequency, severity, and bothersomeness of different isturbing visual symptoms including glare, h los, and starbursts. When implanting monofocal or multifocal IOLs, Dr. Fam suggests targeting slightly on the plus side of optical power. Specifically for Synergy™, Dr. Fam does not hesitate in targeting as close to + 0.1 D or + 0.15 D this strategy seems to give less glare nd halo compared to targeting myopia. Concluding his presentation, Dr. Fam stated that, “if you wa t to see far and ne r, the Synergy™ IOL is the one you want. It s nergistically combines diffractive multifocal technology and EDOF technology to deliver continuous contrasty vision across a wide fu ctional range.” Copyright 2022 APACRS. All rights reserved. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, editorial board, or publisher, and in no way imply endorsement by EyeWorld, Asia-Pacific or APACRS. All other trademarks are the intellectual property of their respective owners. © Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. 2022 PP2022MLT6001 [image @ 37:45: Synergy™ provides the widest range of continuous vision with the best near distance vision.] performance at distance vision, indistinct ADD power, and a bridging of the visual gap at < 0.1 logMAR depth (good near vision). In one of Dr. Fam’s recent studies, he examined light intensity ratios and light efficiency of different IOLs and found that EDOF and hybrid presbyopia-correcting lenses provided a higher light efficiency than that of multifocal IOLs. In fact, Synergy™ makes use of 100% of light energy: no energy is wasted compared to monofocal IOLs (81% of light intensity is lost). Thus, the Synergy™ IOL re ults in significa tly better light efficiency th the monofocal IOLs. In another study, Dr. Fam compared clinical perfor ance of 116 patients im lanted with the Synergy™ IOL to 62 patients implanted wi h the PanOptix® IOL in a prospective multicenter study. The results of this study showed that Synergy™ provides the widest range of continuous vision with the best near distance vision. Compared to PanOptix®, Sy ergy™ erforms slightly better in far and intermediate distances, but significantly better in near distances. In patien -reported Optimizing Patient Outcomes with Advanced Surgical Technology On Sunday June 12, 2022, a video symposium hosted by J&J invited ophthalmologists to discuss their experiences with the CATALYS™ Precision Laser System and the VERIT S™ Vision System. Professor Tae Im Kim, South Korea, began the discussion outlining the advantages of the CATALYS™ laser with implantation using the TECNIS Eyhance™ Toric II IOL. “Among the many fascinating machines [available], I believe the J&J CATALYS™ is undoubtedly the best surgical platform in existence,” said Prof. Kim. With less than one second of continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (CCC) treatment time, a small suction ri g size of 19 mm, and a low IOP rise approximately 10 mmHg, Prof. Kim experiences the highest rate of perf ct lens fragmentation with CATALYS™. Prof. Kim performs cataract surgeries with the TECNIS Eyhance™ Toric II IOL, which features higher-order aspheric te hnology, provides improved intermediate vision (com ared o aspheric m nofocal IOLs), good distance vision, and a similar photic phenomena pro le to aspheric monofocal IOLs. Prof. Kim presented patient cases that underwent procedures using the femtosecond laser. In one video presentation, Prof. Kim outlined th procedural steps of implanting he Eyhance™ T ric II lens in a patient with white dense cataracts. Th surgery was uccessful with no complications and improved vision postoperatively. In another successful case of implantation, Prof. Kim was happy to explain that “during the entire surgical p cedure, I can clearly see the axis marks a d perform IOL alignm nt according to the marks quite conveniently.” Prof. Kim oted that she ow pref rs to use the CATALYS™ system with Eyhance™ Toric II IOLs in her cataract surgeries for patients with corneal astigmatism. Mahipal Sachdev, MD, India continued the discussion by presenting new advancements in phacoemulsi cation with th VERITAS™ Visio System. The VERITAS™ System, Dr. Sachdev explained, is bas d on three fundamental pillars: improve stability and afety, exceptional ph co f ciency, and a surg on-centered design. VERITAS™ eng ges hybrid uidics with its Advanced Tubing System (ATS) which minimizes post-occlusion surge for unsurpassed chamber stability. Another new design feature with th VERITAS™ System is the erg nomic swivel phaco handpiece which optimize the urgeon’s comfort during surgical procedures to reduce fatigue. There is also an ergonomic foot pedal that also provides more comfort nd cont ol. Through ne video case presentation, Dr. Sachdev showed his tec nique with a dir ct chop, showing how the anterior c amber maintained rock solid stability throughout the pr cedure. “The VERITAS™ Sy tem is a step signi cantly igher than the pr sent machines,” said Dr. Sachdev, becaus of the advantages of stability, ergonomics, and control. Innovations in Cataract Surgery Synergy™ provides the widest range of continuous vision with the best near distance vision. questionnaires, Dr. Fam found that Synergy™ outperforms PanOptix® by almost 10 percentage points in the situation of reading menus in dimly lit restaurants. Additionally, Synergy™ performs better than PanOptix® in the situation of patients noticing steps or curbs at night time. Dr. Fam did note that in terms of quality of vision, from other studies, there was no statistically significant difference among IOL groups in the frequency, severity, and bothersomeness of different disturbing visual symptoms including glare, halos, and starbursts. When implanting monofocal or multifocal IOLs, Dr. Fam suggests targeting slightly on the plus side of optical power. Specifically for Synergy™, Dr. Fam does not hesitate in targeting as close to + 0.1 D or + 0.15 D as this strategy seems to give less glare and halo compared to targeting myopia. Concluding his presentation, Dr. Fam stated that, “if you want to see far and near, the Synergy™ IOL is the one you want. It synergistically combines diffractive multifocal technology and EDOF technology to deliver continuous contrasty vision across a wide functional range.” Copyright 2022 APACRS. All rights reserved. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, editorial board, or publisher, and in no way imply endorsement by EyeWorld, Asia-Pacific or APACRS. All other trademarks are the intellectual property of their respective owners. © Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. 2022 PP2022MLT6001 [image @ 37:45: Synergy™ provides the widest range of continuous vision with the best near distance vision.] performance at distance vision, indistinct ADD power, and a bridging of the visual gap at < 0.1 logMAR depth (good near vision). In one of Dr. Fam’s recent studies, he examined light intensity ratios and light efficiency of different IOLs and found that EDOF and hybrid presbyopia-correcting lenses provided a higher light efficiency than that of multifocal IOLs. In fact, Synergy™ makes use of 100% of light energy: no energy is wasted compared to monofocal IOLs (81% of light intensity is lost). Thus, the Synergy™ IOL results in significantly better light efficiency than the monofocal IOLs. In another study, Dr. Fam compared the clinical performance of 116 patients implanted with the Synergy™ IOL to 62 patients implanted with the PanOptix® IOL in a prospective multicenter study. The results of this study showed that Synergy™ provides the widest range of continuous vision with the best near distance vision. Compared to PanOptix®, Synergy™ performs slightly better in far and intermediate distances, but significantly better in near distances. In patient-reported pti izing Patient utco es ith Advanced Surgical Technology n Sunday June 12, 2022, a video symposium hosted by J&J invited ophthalmologists to discuss their experiences with the CATALYS™ Precision Laser System and the VERITAS™ Vision System. Professor Tae Im Kim, South Korea, began the discussion outlining the advantages of the CATALYS™ laser with implantation using the TECNIS Eyhance™ Toric II IOL. “Among the many fascinating machines [available], I believe the J&J CATALYS™ is undoubtedly the best surgical platform in existence,” said Prof. Kim. With less than one second of continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (CCC) treatment time, a small suction ring size of 19 mm, and a low IOP rise approximately 10 mmHg, Prof. Kim experiences the highest rate of perfect lens fragmentation with CATALYS™. Prof. Kim performs cataract surgeries with the TECNIS Eyhance™ Toric II IOL, which features higher-order aspheric technology, provides improved intermediate vision (compared to aspheric monofocal IOLs), good distance vision, and a similar photic phenomena pro le to aspheric monofocal IOLs. Prof. Kim presented patient cases that underwent procedures using the femtosecond laser. In one video presentation, Prof. Kim outlined the procedural steps of implanting the Eyhance™ Toric II lens in a patient with white dense cataracts. The surgery was successful with no complications and improved vision postoperatively. In another successful case of implantation, Prof. Kim was happy to explain that “during the entire surgical procedure, I can clearly see the axis marks and perform IOL alignment according to the marks quite conveniently.” Prof. Kim noted that she now prefers to use the CATALYS™ system with Eyhance™ Toric II IOLs in her cataract surgeries for patients with corneal astigmatism. Mahipal Sachdev, MD, India continued the discussion by presenting new advancements in phacoemulsi cation with the VERITAS™ Vision System. The VERITAS™ System, Dr. Sachdev explained, is based on three fundamental pillars: improved stability and safety, exceptional phacoef ciency, and a surgeon-centered design. VERITAS™ engages hybrid uidics with its Advanced Tubing System (ATS) which minimizes post-occlusion surge for unsurpassed chamber stability. Another new design feature with the VERITAS™ System is the ergonomic swivel phaco handpiece which optimizes the surgeon’s comfort during surgical procedures to reduce fatigue. There is also an ergonomic foot pedal that also provides more comfort and control. Through one video case presentation, Dr. Sachdev showed his technique with a direct chop, showing how the anterior chamber maintained rock solid stability throughout the procedure. “The VERITAS™ System is a step signi cantly higher than the present machines,” said Dr. Sachdev, because of the advantages of stability, ergonomics, and control. Innovations in ataract Surgery