EyeWorld India March 2022 Issue

Cataract and Refractive Surgery At the Forefront of Technology - How to Start with VISUMAX® 800 and Clinical Outcomes Sri Ganesh, India The VISUMAX® 800 has become the forefront of visual technology, and Sri Ganesh, MD has also experienced its advantages during his time in the operating room. On the surgeon’s side, the VISUMAX® 800 has a graphic user interface that can be connected to other diagnostic devices. Additionally, treatment can be planned and exported directly to the VISUMAX® 800 and patient data can also be directly loaded onto the machine where treatment details can be verified and new details can be entered. Patient data can also be imported from other devices such as the IOLMaster. The VISUMAX® 800 has two swivel arms: one for the laser and one for the operating microscope. On the patient’s side, the patient bed is completely separated from the VISUMAX® machine whereas the previous patient bed for the VISUMAX® 500 was connected to the machine. Dr. Ganesh describes his workflow as such: after the patient has been draped, the treatment arm is moved down and the treatment can be selected on the VISUMAX® 800. The machine itself provides a top and side camera view that both assist in docking the eye. The VISUMAX® 800 also has a centration guide that helps in centering treatment. There is also a cyclotorsion compensation aid that is activated after docking the eye. “The laser treatment is extremely fast,” says Dr. Ganesh, “and takes just 8 seconds to complete. I can perform surgery on 10 patients in one hour with the VISUMAX® 800.” The laser arm then lifts up, and the operating microscope comes down into position automatically. Dr. Ganesh described a very comfortable experience with lenticule extraction as well as a smooth dissection process. Dr. Ganesh studied early clinical outcomes following Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE) using the VISUMAX® 800. The results of his study on 45 eyes (23 patients) showed that, after 15 days, 53% of eyes remained unchanged for corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), 38% of eyes gained 1 line of CDVA, 2% of eyes gained 2 lines, and 7% of eyes lost 1 line. Regarding preoperative CDVA and postoperative UDVA, Dr. Ganesh reported 100% of eyes were 20/32 or better, 96% were 20/20 or better, and 82% were 20/16 or better at 15 days post-surgery. As for refractive astigmatism, “91% of eyes were within a quarter of a diopter (cylinder) and 9% of eyes were within a half diopter (cylinder),” says Dr. Ganesh. Dr. Ganesh concluded his experience with the VISUMAX® 800 stating that immediate postoperative results with this new technology demonstrated excellent correction and good visual acuity in terms of efficacy. No eyes had two or more lines of loss of CDVA, demonstrating a good safety profile. Finally, the quality of vision and the interface clarity of the VISUMAX® 800 was excellent with a minimal increase in scatter. “The advantage with the VISUMAX® 800,” Dr. Ganesh says, “is the cyclotorsion compensation. With SMILE, if the surgeon gets the nomogram right, the results are even better than LASIK because the long-term stability of the cylinder correction is better.” ‘Double-L approach’ for Presbyopia Correcting Cataract Surgery: AT LISA® tri and AT LARA® Combined Implantation Chul Young Choi, South Korea Chul Young Choi, MD of South Korea presented the findings from both his laboratory and clinical tests on the AT LISA® tri and AT LARA® intraocular lens (IOL). From an optical bench test studying the modulation transfer function (MTF) curves of IOLs, Dr. Choi tested the following 20 diopter IOLs for comparison: AT LISA® tri, AT LARA®, PanOptix®, and TECNIS Synergy™ and Symfony™. Two different model eyes were used with 0 μm and +0.28 μm spherical aberration. The aperture sizes (pupil sizes) used were 2, 3, and 4.5 mm, and the wavelength Dr. Choi selected was 546 nm (green light). Media placement sponsored by Carl Zeiss Meditec AG Not all products, services or offers are approved or offered in every market and approved labeling and instructions may vary from one country to another. The statements of the authors of this supplement reflect only their personal opinion and experience and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Carl Zeiss Meditec AG or any institution with whom they are affiliated. Carl Zeiss Meditec AG has not necessarily access to clinical data backing the statements of the authors. The statements made by the authors may not yet been scientifically proven and may have to be proven and/or clarified in further clinical studies. Some information presented in this supplement may only be about the current state of clinical research and may not be part of the official product labeling and approved indications of the product. The authors alone are responsible for the content of this supplement and any potential resulting infringements resulting from, in particular, but not alone, copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right infringements as well as unfair competition claims. Carl Zeiss Meditec AG does not accept any responsibility or liability of its content. The VISUMAX® 800 provides a cyclotorsion compensation aid that is activated after docking the eye. Three different types of trifocal IOLs, though with similar optical properties, present different MTF curves: the ZEISS AT LISA® tri IOL shows good far, intermediate, and near distance while the PanOptix® and TECNIS Synergy™ show different peaks.