EyeWorld India March 2022 Issue

The importance of TECNIS SynergyTM Toric II for presbyopia correction Experts have expressed great interest for TECNIS SynergyTM Toric II and agreed that more patients will bene t from its availability. “TECNIS SynergyTM Toric II is highly necessary, as multifocal IOLs do not tolerate residual astigmatism well – any residual astigmatism of >0.75 D will impair both distance and near vision,” shared Dr Ramamurthy and Dr Chuah. The squared and frosted haptic design of TECNIS SynergyTM Toric II IOL provides resistance to rotation.15 Its engineered design features an outstanding mean rotational stability of 0.87°.15 “We have seen amazing results in our rst few patients with the recent launch of TECNIS SynergyTM Toric II in Hong Kong,” said Dr Yau Kin. “Patients with mild astigmatism have shown accurate and stable outcomes with TECNIS SynergyTM Toric II – with 20/20 distance vision and near vision of J1 post-operation.” While TECNIS SynergyTM Toric II was only available in selected markets – including Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea – at the point of the EPICS TECNIS SynergyTM User Meeting, it would be launched in other Asia Pacific markets in the rst half of 2022. Conclusion TECNIS SynergyTM is the lens of choice for a continuous range of vision, especially in ful lling Asian patients’ unique vision needs, necessitated by their shorter stature and thus shorter arm length compared with non-Asian patients; challenges faced in reading complex Asian scripts; as well as near reading needs at a distance of 33 cm and under dim lighting conditions. All experts agreed that full access to TECNIS SynergyTM and TECNIS SynergyTM Toric II IOLs can provide a complete visual range for patients and ful l patients’ vision needs. Surgeons are strongly advised to counsel patients and manage their expectations to optimize patient outcomes. References 1. Soler F, et al. Curr Eye Res 2021;46(8):1240–6. 2. Caltrider D, et al. Evaluation of visual acuity. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island, FL: StatPearls Publishing;2022. 3. Xu C. Successful premium multifocal IOL surgery: Key issues and pearls. In: Wang X, ed. Current Cataract Surgical Techniques. IntechOpen;2021. 4. Jonker SMR, et al. J Cataract Refract Surg 2015;41:1631–40. 5. Lapid-Gortzak, et al. J Cataract Refract Surg 2020;46:1534–42. 6. Lan M, Rosen eld M, Liu L. Optom Vis Perf 2018;6(5):204–6. 7. Medscape. How is proportionality determined in the evaluation of pediatric growth hormone de ciency (GHD)? Available at https://www.medscape. com/answers/923688-163415/ how-is-proportionality-determined-in-the-evaluation-of-pediatric-growth-hormone-de ciency-ghd. Accessed January 2022. 8. Zhang J, et al. Optom Vis Sci 2020;97(10):865–70. 9. Shen Z, et al. Sci Rep 2017;7:45337. 10. Data on File, Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. DOF2020CT4014 – Forte 1 Study: A comparative clinical evaluation of a new TECNIS® PCIOL against PanOptix® IOL. 11. Ribeiro FJ, et al. J Cataract Refract Surg 2021;47:1448–53. 12. Data on File, Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. PP2020CT5232. 13. Zhang L, et al. Front Neurosci 2021 Jun 14;15:648863. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.648863. eCollection 2021. 14. Mirshahi A, et al. J Cataract Refract Surg 2009;35(6):987–91. 15. Data on File, Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc., 2019. DOF20190TH4015. Copyright 2022 APACRS. All rights reserved. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, editorial board, or publisher, and in no way imply endorsement by EyeWorld, Asia-Pacific or APACRS. All other trademarks are the intellectual property of their respective owners. © Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. 2022 PP2022CT4024 Supported by “TECNIS Synergy™ is the lens of choice for a continuous range of vision, especially in fulfilling Asian patients’ unique near vision needs.” Dr.