EyeWorld India June 2022 Issue

Letter from the Editor 3
Table of contents 4
Feature 7
IOL power misses: Why, what, and how 7
Unhappy patients after cataract surgery: Reasons for dissatisfaction and how to help 10
An algorithm for ‘Getting to Happy’ after cataract surgery 12
Refractive 15
The value of genetic testing for keratoconus 15
Greater awareness needed about impact of eye rubbing 17
How refractive procedures impact future implant choices 19
Cornea 22
Nothing to sniff at: Intranasal spray for dry eye 22
Signs of rosacea and how to treat 24
Glaucoma 27
‘Pinnacle of MIGS-related complications’ dissected 27
The state of SLT: Advancing the technology and its adoption 29
Using virtual reality for glaucoma training 31
News & Opinion 33
Review of ‘Refractive and keratometric outcomes of supervised novice surgeon performed limbal relaxing incisions: 1-year results 33