EyeWorld India September 2021 Issue

FEATURE 6 EWAP SEPTEMBER 2021 Pg6_Grandmaster ad.indd 2 19/08/2021 11:26 AM by Christina Chintanaphol, PharmD Grandmasters of Cataract Surgery T he 33rd APACRS– SNEC 30th Anniversary Virtual Meeting held a brand new 90-minute session designed to take full advantage of the virtual format. Thematically inspired by the Netflix series The Queen’s Gambit , “Grandmasters of Cataract Surgery” invited key leaders in ophthalmology from around the world to present on new advancements in eye care practice. Using a precision pulse capsulotomy device (Zepto), David Chang, MD, U.S., showed the audience complex case presentations and his technique of utilizing Zepto in his patients. The device has a disposable phaco-like handpiece and is automated with a console. The clear silicone cup generates This article was adapted from the EyeWorld Asia-Pacific daily coverage of the 33rd APACRS–SNEC 30th Anniversary Virtual Meeting, held online from 30 to 31 July 2021. suction and the nitinol cutting element allows for micron precision engineering. Zepto consists of a ring opposed to the anterior capsule, and suction creates uniform capsular contact. Electrical nanopulses are delivered to the ring and the device mechanically cleaves the capsule at 360 degrees. Graham Barrett, MD, Australia, took to the theme of chess, saying “strategy and choosing the right moves is important in our world of biometry and predicting outcomes.” In utilizing IOL outcomes, selecting the correct IOL for patients requires sacrifice of time and effort with reliable measurements and an understanding of incisions and precise alignment. Because measuring astigmatism from two devices on the same visit can differ significantly, Dr. arrett incorporates a K calculator as part of the online Barrett Toric Calculator. A user can select keratometry (K) from up to three devices. Integrated K, then, is the mean K if using two devices, and integrated K is the median K if using three devices. More recently, Dr. Barrett developed the toriCAM marker app to provide accurate alignment for IOLs. Requiring a phone and a simple marking pen, this app is used with an image guided system and is less prone to error. In assessing toric IOL outcomes, Douglas Koch, MD, U.S., urges us to ask, “how accurate are the formulas for hitting the predicted targets when analyzing toric IOL