EyeWorld India September 2021 Issue

CATARACT 24 EWAP SEPTEMBER 2021 with the patient after the surgery is over. Apologize for the complication and explain what happened, he said. His third phase of communication is to continue to communicate with the patient and be the patient’s guide. They may have to see a retina surgeon or go to a completely different hospital, so it’s important to be there for the patient, he said. “My experience has been that if you communicate like this and tell them you’re sorry and it’s clear that this complication occurred but you’re still involved and still care, you’ll find these to be your most loyal patients,” Dr. Oetting said, adding that cataract surgeons shouldn’t be embarrassed to ask their retina colleagues for help in these cases. Overall, Dr. Oetting stressed the importance of communication, sticking with the patient, and getting a network of people who can help handle any complication you might have. EWAP Reference 1. Yeoh R. The ‘pupil snap’ sign of posterior capsule rupture with hydrodissection in phacoemul sification. Br J Ophthalmol . £99È;nä\{nÈ. Editors’ note: Dr. Devgan is Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Jules Stein Eye Institute, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California. Dr. Oetting is Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Dr. Yeoh is Medical Director, Eye & Retina Surgeons, Singapore. None of tJe doctors disclosed relevant financial interests.