EyeWorld India September 2021 Issue

For surgeons who pre- fer continuous irrigation, there is now an auto-off feature which can detect when the handpiece is removed from the eye and irrigation will be automat- ically turned off. One can customize this feature for a delay of 1 to 3 seconds. As for venting, there is now automation for foot positions. “When you grab something you don’t in- tend to, the particle on the tip can be pushed off and the strength of positive pressure can be defined as low, medium, or high,” says Dr. Jones. Ergonomically, Veritas™ features the industry’s first swivel phaco handpiece for excellent control and maneuvering, delivering a more comfortable surgical experience. The handpiece is not only lightweight and shorter but allows for up to 220 degrees of rotation. The foot pedal has also been refined with a full- foot treadle with improved tactile feedback between foot pedal zones. A small- er degree of travel allows for greater comfort. There is also an accessory mag- netic heel insert option. The system’s capacitive touch-screen monitor pro- vides easier viewing and enhanced clarity. Finally, the system has built-in speakers and four wheels with double locking cast- ers for easy storage. Dr. Jones presented sur- gical cases with his use of the Veritas™ System. In one case, he found soft to moderate density of the nucleus grossus. Veritas™ allowed him to chop the cataract into segments with great stability in which the pieces “just melt away. In the end, Veritas™ was very stable Copyright 2021 APACRS. All rights reserved. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, editorial board, or publisher, and in no way imply endorsement by EyeWorld, Asia-Pacific or APACRS. All other trademarks are the intellectual property of their respective owners. © Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. 2021 PP2021MLT5790 Dr. Jason Jones performs phacoemulsification, chopping the cataract into segments with great stability with the Veritas™ Vision System. Veritas™ Vision System Jason Jones, MD , USA Jason Jones, MD, USA presented another new platform designed by Johnson & Johnson Vi- sion: the Veritas™ Vi- sion System. This new phacoemulsification ex- perience allows surgeons to perform with improved chamber stability through fluidics management and enhanced user experience with new ergonomic de- sign. From safety and effi- ciency to design, Veritas™ puts cataract surgeons comfortably in control of every case. The key features of the system’s fluidics includes two phaco packs with an advanced tubing system (ATS). The ATS consists of small-bore, dual-durome- ter aspiration tubing with a soft outer-wall for flexibil- ity. The stiff inner-wall has a reduced diameter for enhanced chamber stabil- ity. These characteristics allow for a higher working vacuum and improved effi- ciency since the aspiration outflow can be reduced. With the advanced infu- sion pack, there is a pres- surized infusion function- ality that works with the intravenous pole to pro- vide a total effective bottle height of 136 cm H2O. allowing for an excellent result,” says Dr. Jones. “Veritas™ takes less out of me and my staff for the surgical elements we need to do and allows me to channel that energy into achieving the excellent results our patients have come to expect.” “ Veritas™ takes less out of me and my staff for the surgical elements we need to do and allows me to channel that energy into achieving the excellent results our patients have come to expect. ” Jason Jones, MD