EyeWorld India June 2021 Issue

Letter from the Editor 3
Table of contents 4
Feature 6
Eye banking challenges in the COVID era: Adapt and Overcome 6
Virtual Cornea Clinic keeping COVID-19 at a distance 8
Ophthalmic surgery practice in the Asia-Pacific amid COVID-19 14
Cataract 18
What’s new in the world of IOLs 18
Paper highlights iris defects caused by cataract surgery 23
Performing cataract surgery with retina abnormalities 25
Refractive 32
Using AK/LRIs to correct astigmatism 32
The utility of epithelial mapping 35
Technology, screening improvements decrease already low refractive surgery ectasia risk 39
Technologies for achieving better outcomes 46
Glaucoma 50
Options to reduce postop cataract surgery drops for glaucoma patients 50
Preventing COVID-19 transmission with povidone iodine 53