EyeWorld India December 2021 Issue

NEWS & OPINION 48 EWAP DECEMBER 2021 strict social distancing regulations in their waiting rooms and operative care units. The ASCRS Journal Club also discussed the mobile laminar air flow machine referred to in the article. None of the members of the panel have implemented this air flow system in their operating rooms. However, they all agreed a safe and effective air flow system in the operating room is imperative to prevent bacterial and viral infections, not limited to COVID-19. As ophthalmologists resume the full spectrum of surgical cases, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact practice patterns, surgical decision-making, and overall safety measures. The panelists discussed how many patients remain hesitant to undergo elective surgery and attend clinic appointments. They agreed the results of this study provide reassurance to themselves, their staff members, and their patients that there is no significant aerosolization during phacoemulsification. We remain hopeful that the emergence of the COVID-19 vaccine will provide a further sense of security for patients. EWAP References 1. Darcy K, et al. Reducing visible aerosol generation during phacoemulsification in the era of Covid-19. Eye . 2021;35:1405–1410. 2. Lee H, et al. Aerosol generation through phacoemulsification. J Cataract Refract Surg . 2020;46:1290–1296. 3. Chodosh J, et al. Special considerations for ophthalmic surgery during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2020. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Editors’ note: Dr. Lindsey is Director for Resident Education, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee. Dr. Andrews and Dr. Comstock are ophthalmology residents, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee. The American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) Journal Club is a virtual, complimentary CME offering exclusive to ASCRS members that brings the experience of a lively discussion of two current articles from the Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery to the viewer. Co-moderated by Nick Mamalis, MD, and Leela Raju, MD, the June session featured a presentation by David Belyea, MD, co-author of “The effect of eye drops and applanation tonometry on optical biometry.” The second manuscript, “Aerosol generation during phacoemulsification in live patient cataract surgery environment” was presented by Hans Andrews, MD, ophthalmology resident, Vanderbilt Eye Institute. To view the June Journal Club session, visit ascrs.org/clinical-education/ journal-club/schedule/june-2021. True-K Formula ToricCalculator Universal II Formula RX Formula True-K Toric available at www.APACRS.org The latest update to the Barrett True K Formula, version 2.5, addresses yet another challenge to IOL power calculations—keratoconus. Selecting the option in the presence of keratoconus significantly improves the prediction of refractive outcomes and avoids unexpected hyperopia. Log on to www.apacrs.org and try it today! BARRETT IOL CALCULATOR R L NEWUPDATE! NEWS & OPINION 48 EWAP DEC MBER 20 1 strict social distancing regulations in their waiting rooms and operative care units. The ASCRS Journal Club also discussed the mobile aminar ir flow machine r f rr d to in the article. None of the me bers of the panel have implemented this air flow sy tem in their operating rooms. Howev r, they all agreed a s fe and eff ctive air flow sy tem in the operating room is mperative to prev nt bacterial nd viral infections, not lim ted to COVID-19. As opht almol gists resume the full spectrum of surgical case , the COVID-19 pandemic onti ues to impact practi e patterns, urgical decision-making, and overall safety measures. The panelists discussed how many patients remain hesitant to undergo el ctive surgery and attend clinic appointments. They agreed the r sults of this study provide r assurance to themselves, their staff me bers, and their patients hat ther is no significant aeros lization during phacoemulsification. We r main hopeful that the emergence of the COVID-19 vaccine will provide a further sense of security for patients. EWAP Refer nces 1. Darcy K, et al. Reducing visible a ros l gen ration during phacoemulsification i the era of Covid-19. Eye . 20 1;35:1405–1410. 2. Lee H, et al. Aeros l gen ration through p acoemulsification. J Cataract Refract Surg . 20 ;46:1290–1296. 3. Chod sh J, et al. Special considerations for phthalmic surgery during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 20 . American Academy of Ophthalmology. Editors’ note: Dr. Lindsey is Director for Resident Education, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Vanderbilt University Medical Cent r, Nashville, Tenness e. Dr. Andrews and Dr. Comstock are ophthalmology residents, Vanderbilt University Medical Cent r, Nashville, Tenness e. The American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) Journal Club is a virtual, complimentary CME offering exclusive to ASCRS me bers that brings the experi nce of a lively discussion f two current articles from the Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery to he view r. Co-moderated by Nick Mam lis, MD, and Leela R ju, MD, the June s s ion featured a pres ntation by David Bely a, MD, co-author f “The eff ct of ey drops and applan tion ton metry on ptical biometry.” The second manuscript, “Aeros l gen ration during phacoemulsification i l ve patient cataract surgery environment” was pres nt d by Hans Andrews, MD, ophthalmology resident, Vanderbilt Eye Institute. To view the June Journal C ub ses ion, visit as cr .org/clinical-education/ journal-club/schedule/june-20 1. True-K Formula ToricCalculator Universal II Formula RX Formula True-K Toric available at w .APACRS.org The latest update to the Barrett True K Formula, version 2.5, ad resses yet another challenge to IOL power calculations—keratoconus. Sel cting the option in the presence of keratoconus significantly improves the prediction of refractive outcomes and avoids unexpected hyperopia. Log on to w .apacrs.org a nd try it oday! BARRET IOL CALC LA L NEWUPDATE!