EyeWorld India March 2020 Issue

Copyright 2020 APACRS. All rights reserved. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, editorial board, or publisher, and in no way imply endorsement by EyeWorld, Asia-Pacific or APACRS. © Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. 2020 PP2020CT4167 SUMMARY TECNIS Eyhance™ IOL offers: • 20/20 distance vision comparable to TECNIS ® 1-piece IOL 8 • Improved intermediate vision 1 : Statistically significant improvement in monocular and binocular intermediate vision vs. TECNIS ® 1-piece IOL (p<0.0001). • Higher spectacle independence without impairment of far vision and visual quality 3 • Similar daytime but better night-time contrast performance vs. other IOLs 9 : Similar modulation transfer function performance vs. other IOLs • Similar photic-phenomena profile of the TECNIS Eyhance™ IOL 1 : No statistical difference in the rates of halo, glare, or starbursts compared with the TECNIS ® 1-piece IOL. Supported by In addition, TECNIS Eyhan- ce TM refractive (no rings) op- tic design, does not cause any impediment to posterior imaging and contrast imaging, thus making it safe to use in patients with coexisting optical comorbidities, and this was a key feature that is favoured by the experts. Other positive attributes of this lens type that contributed to the positive pa- tient experiences was the lack of dysphotopsia following lens implantation. Addressing how soon vision is typically seen to improve following implantation of the TECNIS Eyhance TM IOL, experts explained that some patients may see no or little improvement in vision on day one which could be due to pupil constriction, but these patients report positively on the vision achieved at the next follow-up of one week or one month. References 1. Delivering Intermediate Vision: The New TECNIS Eyhance TM Mono- focal IOL. PP2019CT4199 2. TECNIS Eyhance TM Brochure, 2019. PP2019CT4741. 3. Mencucci R. et al; Visual outcome, optical quality and patients' satis- faction with a new monofocal IOL enhanced for intermediate vision: Preliminary results; 2020 Jan 27 JCRS [online ahead of print] 4. Data on File, Johnson & John- son Surgical Vision, Inc. 2019. DOF2019OTH4020. 5. Data on File, Johnson & John- son Surgical Vision, Inc. 2018. DOF2018CT4022. 6. Data on File, Johnson & John- son Surgical Vision, Inc. 2018. DO- F2018OTH4003. 7. Data on File, Johnson & John- son Surgical Vision. Inc. Sep 2018. DOF2018CT4015. 8. TECNIS Eyhance TM IOL Clinical Pearls, Johnson & Johnson Inc. 2019, PP2019CT4236. 9. Data on File, Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision. Inc 2019, DOF2018OTH4004 Monocular First Eye Defocus Curve at 6 Months 7 ICB00 and ZCB00 — All Subjects, Safety Population 7 WITH MAXIMUM PLUS TECNIS Eyhance TM IOL (ICB00) WITHOUT MAXIMUM PLUS TECNIS Eyhance TM IOL (ICB00) Best distance and intermediate performance Acceptable distance and suboptimal intermediate performance Defocus [Diopters] Defocus [Diopters] VA [logMAR] VA [logMAR] Figure 3: Unmask the full visual range of TECNIS Eyhance TM by performing "maximum plus" refraction