EyeWorld India June 2020 Issue

© 2020 Alcon GLB-ACP-2000001 Surgeons report that PanOptix ® R΍HUV QXPHURXV EHQHȴWV IRU WKHLU SUDFWLFH LQFOXGLQJ LPSURYHG HɝFLHQF\ DQG VDWLVȴHG SDWLHQWV Patient satisfactionwith PanOptix ® PanOptix ® chair time PanOptix ® adoption rate PanOptix ® YLVXDO GLVWXUEDQFH SURȴOH PanOptix ® performance in dim light conditions +RZ ZRXOG \RX GHVFULEH \RXU SDWLHQWVȇ VDWLVIDFWLRQ DIWHU 3DQ2SWL[ p LPSODQWDWLRQ" Dr. Kaufer: My patients are very happy the day after PanOptix ® implantation DQG WKLV H΍HFW continues week after week. Dr.Murta: Ihaveneverexplanted a PanOptix ® IOL , and almost all of my patients report high satisfaction after PanOptix ® implantation. Dr. Braga-Mele: Even after a unilateral implantation, patients ZLOO QRWLFH D SRVLWLYH GL΍HUHQFH LQ WKHLU UDQJH RI YLVLRQ DQG WKLV ȆZRZȇ H΍HFW ODVWV IRU PRUH WKDQ PRQWKV I have not had one unhappy patient implanted with the PanOptix ® IOL. +RZ ZRXOG \RX GHVFULEH SDWLHQWVȇ IHHGEDFN RQ DFWLYLWLHV SHUIRUPHG LQ ORZ OLJKW FRQGLWLRQV" Dr. Kaufer: I hardly hear complaints . Before, patients would complain about reading or driving at night, but not with PanOptix ® . Dr. Murta: It is very rare for my patients to complain about seeing in low-light conditions. Dr. Braga-Mele: PanOptix ® is not pupil dependent or lighting dependent like other multifocal IOLs. It can provide functional vision in a variety of conditions, including low-light conditions. +RZ GLG 3DQ2SWL[ p LPSDFW \RXU SUH RSHUDWLRQ SURFHVV" Dr. Kaufer: Dr. Murta: Dr. Braga-Mele: Very fewpatients reportedbeingbotheredverymuchby starbursts, halos, and glare at 6-months post-implantation with PanOptix ® in a clinical trial. 1 +RZZRXOG\RXGHVFULEHSDWLHQWVȇ IHHGEDFNRQKDORV JODUHV" Dr. Kaufer: 3DWLHQWV PD\ H[SHULHQFH YLVXDO GLVWXUEDQFHV LQ WKH ȴUVW few weeks, but as the weeks go by, the halo intensity decreases , and patients become more comfortable. Dr. Murta: In my practice, patients may experience halos and other disturbances in the beginning, but usually positive dysphotopsias disappear after 4-6 months . The excellent visual results help to minimize these complaints. Dr. Braga-Mele: Some of my patients complain of glares and halos, EXW WKH EHQHȴWV RI 3DQ2SWL[ ® , including the continuous range of vision, help to minimize and outweigh these complaints. In a clinical trial, many patients with PanOptix ® indicated never needing H\HJODVVHV WR VHH XS FORVH DQG DW DUPȇV OHQJWK LQ GLP OLJKWLQJ FRQGLWLRQV 1 Ȋ0\ SDWLHQWV DUH YHU\ KDSS\ WKH GD\ DIWHU 3DQ2SWL[ p LPSODQWDWLRQ DQG WKLV H΋HFW FRQWLQXHV ZHHN DIWHU ZHHN ȋ - Dr. Kaufer QUESTION QUESTION QUESTION QUESTION QUESTION ANSWERS ANSWERS ANSWERS ANSWERS ANSWERS A clinical trial demonstrated that over 95% of SDWLHQWV Q UHSRUWHG EHLQJ VDWLVȴHG RU YHU\ VDWLVȴHG ZLWK WKHLU YLVLRQ DW PRQWKV DIWHU PanOptix ® implantation. 1 95% +RZ GLG WKH DGRSWLRQ RI 3DQ2SWL[ p LPSDFW \RXU SUDFWLFH" Dr. Kaufer: as well as post-operation. PanOptix ® KDV VLPSOLȴHG WKH ZD\ ZH FKRRVH DQ Ζ2/ DQG PDNHV LW HDVLHU WR R΍HU FXVWRPL]HG YLVLRQ WR SDWLHQWV ΖQ addition, bilateral implantation of PanOptix ® KDV VLPSOLȴHG WKH IOL planning process because surgeons do not need to calculate