EyeWorld India December 2020 Issue

EWAP DECEMBER 2020 3 EDITORIAL Graham Barrett Chief Medical Editor EyeWorld Asia-Pacific EyeWorld Asia-Pacific • December 2020. Vol 16 No. 4 A s the end of the year draws near it is interesting to reflect how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives in 2020. Obviously, the greatest concern has been the health of family, friends, and professional colleagues, but also the disruption of the work place, which includes our own practices. This has varied in different countries and overall the impact has been well- contained in the Asia-Pacific region compared to other regions. We have all become accustomed to our annual meetings as a wonderful forum for sharing information and friendship and this too has been disrupted in 2020. Nevertheless, we have continued to fulfil our mandate of education and training as well as skills transfer through the medium of this journal as well as virtual communication. It is fitting that we headline this issue with a synopsis of our first virtual webinar, which took place on 13 August 2020. Those who were able to join us had the opportunity to catch up on content in this issue and it is even helpful to those who did attend to have record of the information that was imparted during the webinar. The virtual conference/webinar initiative has continued and we have followed with further successful online communications and will do so in the coming year. Hopefully, with the availability of vaccines on the horizon, we will be able to hold next year’s annual meeting in person or at least a hybrid version with both in-person events and virtual attendance. Rather than comment on any individual aspect of the current issue, I would like to thank all who support APACRS as well as this new journal and have extended that support and participation to the online format. I hope that you and your families take care and wish you good health for the coming year. I feel confident that we will be able to transcend these changes and continue to share our commitment to education and friendship in the New Year. I t gives me a sense of gratitude and at the same time sadness that we are already into the December issue of EyeWorld Asia-Pacific! Gratitude for the good health that most continue to enjoy despite the ongoing global pandemic; sadness for all our colleagues who have lost the battle to COVID-19. What is encouraging, though, is that science continues to progress and the future looks exciting! This month’s primary focus is on an “Expert Review of the Essentials,” taken from a webinar presented by experts from across the Asia-Pacific. Recently, the Barrett Suite 2020 has been introduced by Dr. Graham Barrett, a promising upgrade to his already popular IOL power calculator. The webinar also focused on important technical aspects and fundamentals of cataract surgery. Despite all the technological advancements in cataract management, there is still no substitute to a good clinical evaluation in the preoperative period, and that time spent in understanding the patient’s ocular health and expectations from surgery will only translate to more satisfied patients postoperatively. Also, the surgeon needs to have the right technique for the right kind of cataract. Both myself and Dr. Ronald Yeoh discussed the importance of dividing the nucleus completely prior to removal from the eye. Dr. Yeoh discusses the nuances and the advantages of the prechop technique, particularly in ensuring complete division in soft cataracts. The crux of these talks is that fundamentals of surgery and of patient care are still as vital in ensuring successful outcomes as the technological advancements. Another aspect highlighted by Dr. Chee Soon Phaik was the management of subluxated lenses. She showed a variety of cases with varying presentations and also different strategies to manage these. The message from all these cases was that the surgeon should be well versed with more than one technique to manage zonular weakness, and should be prepared to try the technique that is best suited to that particular eye and patient profile. This issue also highlights the management of wound burns, Descemet’s detachments, and suprachoroidal hemorrhage, all of which may be rare in occurrence yet need prompt and appropriate management to ensure the safety of the eye. Overall, I think, this issue has very useful and practical pearls in improving patient management, both for routine and complicated cases. I think it is only fitting as we move towards a new year, with renewed enthusiasm for doing only the best for our patients, that we continue to refine our techniques and adopt newer technology. I take this opportunity to wish you all good health and happiness both personally and professionally in the year 2021. Abhay Vasavada Deputy Regional Editor EyeWorld Asia-Pacific