EyeWorld India June 2019 Issue

£È EWAP JUNE 2019 T œ`>޽à «>̈i˜Ìà `iÈÀi and expect spectacle independence at near, intermediate, and `ˆÃÌ>˜Vi] >˜` «Ài“ˆÕ“ " à >Ài > «œ«Õ>À V…œˆVi vœÀ…i«ˆ˜} patients reach their vision goals. 1˜Ìˆ ÌÀˆvœV>Ã >Ài >Û>ˆ>Li ˆ˜ ̅i 1°-°] ÃÕÀ}iœ˜Ã…>Ûi ÃiÛiÀ> `ˆvviÀi˜Ì “i̅œ`à vœÀ >V…ˆiۈ˜} spectacle independence at all ̅Àii `ˆÃÌ>˜Við -œ“i ÃÕÀ}iœ˜Ã “ˆÝ >˜` “>ÌV…“Տ̈vœV> >˜` iÝÌi˜`i` `i«Ì…œv vœVÕà i˜ÃiÃ] while others choose monovision. º ˜ ̅i 1°-° “>ÀŽiÌ Ìœ`>Þ] ˜œ˜i œv ̅i VÕÀÀi˜ÌÞ >Û>ˆ>Li i˜ÃiÅˆÌ > ̅Àii œv ̅œÃi `ˆÃÌ>˜Vià «iÀviV̏Þ]» Ã>ˆ` Russell Swan, MD ] œâi“>˜] œ˜Ì>˜>° º ½Ûi vœÕ˜` “ˆÝˆ˜} >˜` “>ÌV…ˆ˜} ̜ Li ̅i “œÃÌ ÃÕVViÃÃvՏ ˆ˜ ̅ˆÃ ÈÌÕ>̈œ˜° 7i “œÃÌ Vœ““œ˜Þ ÕÃi >˜ iÝÌi˜`i` `i«Ì…œv vœVÕà i˜Ã ˆ˜ ̅i `œ“ˆ˜>˜Ì iÞi >˜` > “ˆ`‡>`` “Տ̈vœV> ˆ˜ ̅i ˜œ˜`œ“ˆ˜>˜Ì iÞi° v > «>̈i˜Ì …>à È}˜ˆwV>˜Ì >Ã̈}“>̈Ó] Üi œœŽ vœÀ > ̜ÀˆV “Տ̈vœV> œ«Ìˆœ˜° "ÕÀ Ìi˜`i˜VÞ ÜœÕ` Li ̜ i>˜ ̜Ü>À` ̅i ,i-/", ܈̅Ƃ / 6 " 1- QƂVœ˜] œÀÌ 7œÀ̅] /iÝ>ÃR LiV>ÕÃi ˆÌ ˆÃ >Û>ˆ>Li ˆ˜ > ̜ÀˆV «>ÌvœÀ“° œÀ iÃÃiÀ `i}Àiià œv >Ã̈}“>̈Ó] Üi “>Þ Ã̈ `œ >˜ iÝÌi˜`i` `i«Ì…œv vœVÕà -ޓvœ˜Þ i˜Ã [Johnson & Johnson Vision, ->˜Ì> Ƃ˜>] >ˆvœÀ˜ˆ>R >˜` > < ää Q œ…˜Ãœ˜ E œ…˜Ãœ˜ 6ˆÃˆœ˜R >˜` “>Ži ܓi >Ã̈}“>̈V ŽiÀ>̜̜“Þ œÀ ˆ“L> relaxing incisions to get the œÜiÀ `i}Àii œv >Ã̈}“>̈Ó° Our hope is that patients can `œ ™ä¯ ̜ ™x¯ œv ̅iˆÀ >V̈ۈ̈ià ܈̅œÕÌ }>ÃÃið» Michael Greenwood, MD , >À}œ] œÀ̅>ŽœÌ>] ÕÃià ̅i mix and match approach with œÜ >`` “Տ̈vœV>Ã° º ˜ ̅i `œ“ˆ˜>˜Ì iÞi] ½ ÕÃi iˆÌ…iÀ >˜ iÝÌi˜`i` `i«Ì…œv vœVÕà i˜Ã or the lowest add power. Then ˆ˜ ̅i ˜œ˜`œ“ˆ˜>˜Ì iÞi] ½ ÕÃi > œÜ >`` “Տ̈vœV>] LÕÌ œ˜i that gives a little bit more near ۈȜ˜]»…i Ã>ˆ`° To achieve spectacle independence at all three distances, Michael Gordon, MD ] ->˜ ˆi}œ] ÌÞ«ˆV>Þ ˆ“«>˜Ìà > ,i-/", Ó°x ˆ˜ ̅i `œ“ˆ˜>˜Ì iÞi >˜` > ,i-/", Î°ä ˆ˜ ̅i ˜œ˜`œ“ˆ˜>˜Ì iÞi° º …>Ûi `œ˜i ̅i Ã>“i ܈̅̅i < ˆ˜ ̅i `œ“ˆ˜>˜Ì iÞi >˜` ̅i < ˆ˜ ̅i ˜œ˜`œ“ˆ˜>˜Ì iÞi° ̅ˆ˜Ž ̅>Ì ÜœÀŽÃ Üi° *>̈i˜Ìà }iÌ Ì…i ܈`iÃÌ À>˜}i œv v՘V̈œ˜> ۈȜ˜° ̅ˆ˜Ž ̅i -ޓvœ˜Þ ˆÃ > }œœ` i˜Ã] LÕÌ `œ˜½Ì ÕÃi ˆÌ “ÕV…>˜Þ“œÀi LiV>ÕÃi œv }>Ài ˆÃÃÕiÃ]»…i Ã>ˆ`° Dr. Gordon has had success ÕȘ} “œ`ˆwi` “œ˜œÛˆÃˆœ˜° He leaves the nondominant iÞi >Ì q£ ̜ q£°Óx ] ܅ˆi attempting plano in the `œ“ˆ˜>˜Ì iÞi° º/…iÃi «>̈i˜Ìà >Ài iÝÌÀi“iÞ…>««Þ° /…iÞ `œ˜½Ì…>Ûi ̅i «œÌi˜Ìˆ> vœÀ ̅i ÃiÀˆœÕà }>Ài ̅>Ì ÞœÕ V>˜ }iÌ ÜˆÌ…“Տ̈vœV> œÀ iÝÌi˜`i` `i«Ì…œv vœVÕà i˜ÃiÃ] >˜` ˆÌ½Ã > ȓ«i] Ã>vi] VœÃ̇ivviV̈Ûi Ü>Þ œv “ˆ˜ˆ“ˆâˆ˜} `i«i˜`i˜Vi œ˜ }>ÃÃið 1ÃÕ>Þ] > ̅iÞ ˜ii` ˆÃ > «>ˆÀ œv }>ÃÃià vœÀ w˜i «Àˆ˜Ì] and most people don’t mind ̅>Ì° w˜` ̅>Ì Ìœ Li ̅i Ã>viÃÌ by Michelle Stephenson Þi7œÀ` œ˜ÌÀˆLṎ˜} 7ÀˆÌiÀ AT A GLANCE • *Ài“ˆÕ“ " ÕÃi ˆÃ œ˜ ̅i ÀˆÃi° • *>̈i˜Ìà ˜ii` ̜ ՘`iÀÃÌ>˜` ̅>Ì V>Ì>À>VÌ ÃÕÀ}iÀÞ ˆÃ > “Տ̈‡ ÃÌi« «ÀœViÃð • /ÀˆvœV> i˜Ãià «iÀvœÀ“ ψ}…ÌÞ LiÌÌiÀ ̅>˜ ̅i “ˆÝ >˜` “>ÌV… œv “Տ̈vœV>Ã >Ì > ̅Àii `ˆÃÌ>˜Við Premium IOLs continue to gain popularity This trend is expected to continue when trifocals come to the U.S. market Editors’ note: Dr. Gordon has ƂPCPEKCN KPVGTGUVU YKVJ #NEQP &T )TGGPYQQF JCU ƂPCPEKCN KPVGTGUVU with Alcon and Johnson & Johnson. &T 5YCP JCU ƂPCPEKCN KPVGTGUVU YKVJ Alcon, Allergan (Dublin, Ireland), Equinox, and Glaukos (San Clementine, California). œ˜Ì>VÌ ˆ˜vœÀ“>̈œ˜ Gordon: “}œÀ`œ˜ÇnÈJ}“>ˆ°Vœ“ Greenwood: ˆV…>i°}Àii˜Üœœ`J vancethompsonvision.com Swan: ,ÕÃÃi°ÃÜ>˜JÛ>˜Vi̅œ“«Ãœ˜ÛˆÃˆœ˜°Vœ“ # NQY CFF OWNVKHQECN +1. UJQYKPI IQQF EGPVTCVKQP CPF ECRUWNCT QXGTNCR -œÕÀVi\ ˆV…>i Àii˜Üœœ`] FEATURE This article originally appeared in the March 2019 issue of EyeWorld . It has DGGP UNKIJVN[ OQFKƂGF CPF CRRGCTU here with permission from the ASCRS Ophthalmic Services Corp. œ˜Ìˆ˜Õi` œ˜ «>}i £n