EyeWorld India December 2019 Issue

Supported by an educational grant from Johnson & Johnson Vision be an effective option for improving near visual out- comes with excellent far and intermediate vision. Implant- ing the TECNIS Symfony I OL in the dominant eye with ZLB00 in the non-dominant eye resulted in a tolerable range and similar pattern of photic phenomena as well T he TECNIS Eyhance IOL is a refractive aspher- ic based on the TECNIS 1-Piece platform. “You don’t need to change the IOL constant and, don’t need to change the injector. Everything stays the same” since the lens have the same base geome- try as other TECNIS 1-Piece IOLs. from the periphery to the center of the lens, creating a unique anterior surface. This surface then, in turn, provides for improved inter- mediate vision and distance vision compared to aspheric Figure 3. TECNIS Eyhance IOL is comparable in terms of spherical aberration to the TECNIS 1-Piece IOL. Innovations in J&J Technology as a higher rate of overall satisfaction for patients in all foci compared to the bilat- eral TECNIS Symfony IOLs. Finally, there was an overall improvement in patients for visual functioning (measured by the Visual Function- ing Questionnaire-25) and reading speed, though still comparable to the outcomes with bilateral trifocal IOL implantation. The strategy of “mixing” IOL types in or- der to fit the patients’ needs may be quite an effective and individualized option for patient satisfaction. TECNIS Eyhance™ IOL Oliver Findl, MD, MBA This proprietary aspheric optic creates a continuous power profile in order to en- hance intermediate vision. One aspect that is partic- ularly distinct is that the power changes continuously " This proprietary aspheric optic creates a continuous power profile in order to enhance intermediate vision. "