EyeWorld India March 2018 Issue

Lecture, the society’s highest hon- or and perhaps the most important session of the annual meeting. This year, the honor goes to Eric Donnenfeld, MD , Long Island, New York. Despite LASIK’s long clinical and historical presence of over 20 years, misconceptions regarding the risks and benefits of this pro- cedure persist among patients and even ophthalmologists, eroding both the reputation of the proce- dure and of those in the field who remain its unwavering supporters. Dr. Donnenfeld’s APACRS LIM Lecture, “Refractive Surgery Comes of Age: How Good is LASIK? The Myths, Misconceptions, and Real- ity”, aims to explore the myths and realities of the LASIK procedure using a scientific, evidence-based approach, and to evaluate upcom- ing advancements in the field of refractive cornea surgery. Hear Dr. Donnenfeld speak on Friday, 20 July 2018, in the first plenary session immediately following the Opening Ceremony, 08:30 – 10:00 hrs, Lanna Ballroom 2 and 3. CSCRS: Inner Focus: Innovative IOL Technology The Combined Symposium of Cataract and Refractive Socie- ties (CSCRS) is a core part of the APACRS annual meeting’s scientific program. This year, experts repre- senting the APACRS, the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), and the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) will be discuss- ing the newest innovations in IOL technology, parsing out what’s practical, and what may just be a pipe dream. The CSCRS will be held on Friday, 20 July 2018, 10:30 – 12:30 hrs, Lanna Ballroom 2 & 3. Seeking perfection The concept of perfection as an aspirational— and achievable— goal in cataract and refractive surgery permeates sessions on the second day. Precise refractive outcomes after cataract surgery is something of a holy grail to cataract surgeons; achieving it consistently is a chal- lenge discussed in “ F inding the Right Path: Predicting O utcomes in Cataract Surgery” , co-hosted by the I ndonesian Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery ( I N ASCRS) . F ri- day, 20 July 2018, 14 : 00 – 15 : 30 hrs, L anna Ballroom 2 and 3. The most advanced lens implants and surgical techniques are noth- ing without “ The Perfect Surface: The Cornea in Cataract & Refractive Surgery” . The session co-hosted by the K orean Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery ( K SCRS) covers the various aspects of ocular surface management. F riday, 20 July 2018, 14 : 00 – 15 : 30 hrs, Sukhothai Room 1 and 2. Film festival Every year, the APACRS F ilm F estival IHDWXUHV WKH EHVW fiOPV IURP DURXQG the world. This year’s F ilm F estival promises to be both entertaining and educational, displaying new innova- tions and breakthroughs in ophthal- PLF VXUJHU\ 7KH ZLQQLQJ fiOP LQ HDFK category will be shown in full and the MXGJHV ZLOO GLVFXVV WKH fiOP ZLWK WKH producers. The F ilm F estival Awards Ceremony will be held on F riday, 20 July 2018, 16 : 00 – 17 : 30 hrs, L anna Ballroom 1. The Awards Ceremony is an integral part of the festival and producers are encouraged to attend; the festival results will only be an- nounced during the ceremony. Sunrise lectures A breakfast symposium featur- ing lectures on avoiding negative dysphotopsia, the causes of I O L RSDFLfiFDWLRQ UHTXLULQJ H[SODQWDWLRQ and the ins and outs of preloaded systems. Saturday, 21 July 2018, 07 : 20 – 07 : 5 0 hrs, L anna Ballroom 2 and 3. Live surgery I nnovative technologies from Alcon )RUW :RUWK 7H[DV -RKQVRQ Johnson V ision ( Jacksonville, F lori- da) , and Z eiss ( Jena, G ermany) will be demonstrated in a comprehensive and interactive live surgery/video program to be held Saturday, 21 July 2018, 08: 30 – 11: 10 hrs, L anna Ballroom 2. ENLIGHTENMENT O n the third day, the achievement of enlightenment requires aware- ness, insight, balance, and embrac- ing change. continued on page 10