EyeWorld India March 2018 Issue

W hile much of cataract surgery is routine, surgeons will be faced with cataracts that are challenging in many different ways. “ Beyond ([SHFWDWLRQV 0\ 0RVW &KDOOHQJLQJ Cases” , co-hosted by the I ntraocular I mplant & Refractive Society of I ndia ( I I RSI ) , is a video session that seeks to make attendees aware of the is- sues so that they can be prepared for all eventualities. Saturday, 21 July 2018, 11: 15 – 12: 30 hrs, L anna Ballroom 2 and 3. “ Deeper I nsights” , co-hosted by the Philippine Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery ( PSCRS) , looks at refractive surgery trends to seek out the gold standard for refractive surgery today. Saturday, 21 July 2018, 11: 15 – 12: 30 hrs, Sukhothai Room 1 and 2. L ooking “ F ar & N ear” to seek “ Balance in Correcting Presbyo- pia” , a session co-hosted by the Japanese Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery ( JSCRS) offers a comprehensive review of the options for presbyopia correction currently available. Saturday, 21 July 2018, 14 : 00 – 15 : 30 hrs, Sukhothai Room 1 and 2. Change doesn’t come easy for surgeons— changing techniques or technology is not something they do lightly; when they do, it’s worth tak- ing a closer look. L eading surgeons discuss “ W hat I am Doing Differently This Year: Embracing Change” , Sat- urday, 21 July 2018, 14 : 00 – 15 : 4 0 hrs, L anna Ballroom 2 and 3. Achieving Nirvana Summing up the entire program and providing attendees with practical DGYLFH WKH\ FDQ XVH WKH YHU\ QH[W time they are in surgery, top sur- geons offer their best pearls, subtle tips and surgical maneuvers for “ Achieving N irvana” in the operating room. Saturday, 21 July 2018, 16 : 00 – 17 : 30 hrs, L anna Ballroom 2 and 3. 2018 APACRS Photography Competition 0DQ\ RSKWKDOPRORJLVWV DUH DFFRP plished and talented photographers. I n addition to making the most out of WKLV \HDU¶V VFLHQWLfiF SURJUDP UHJLV tered delegates are invited to partici- pate in the society’s 3rd photography competition, with priz es sponsored by Z eiss. EWAP Seeking - from page 9 The 1st APACRS Young Eye Surgeons (Ayes) session will be presented at the 31st APACRS annual meeting in Chiang Mai from 19 to 21 July 2018. Ayes aims to provide a forum for young eye surgeons to share difficult and/or interesting cataract surgical videos as well as opportunities to compete among peers for the Best ePoster Award. You can look forward to learning from experts at our 12 relevant and focused MasterClasses and Meet the Experts at a roundtable breakfast session where you can ask these household names face to face the questions that have always bugged you. Don’t miss this great opportunity to network with your peers from the Asia-Pacific region! Dr Ronald Yeoh President, APACRS Dr Marcus Ang Co-ordinator, Ayes Recommended Track for Ayes Day 1 The 1st APACRS Young Eye Surgeons (Ayes) session will be presented at the 31st APACRS annual meeting in Chiang Mai from 19 to 21 July 2018. Ayes aims to provide a forum for young eye surgeons to share difficult and/or interesting cataract surgical videos as well as opportunities to compete among peers for the Best ePoster Award. You can look forward to learning from experts at our 12 relevant and focused MasterClasses and Meet the Experts at a roundtable breakfast session where you can ask these household names face to face the questions that have always bugged you. Don’t miss this great opportunity to network with your peers from the Asia-Pacific region! Dr Ronald Yeoh President, APACRS Dr Marcus Ang Co-ordinator, Ayes Recommended Track for Ayes Day 1 AYES_Remove Video.indd 1 2/3/18 8:33 A