EyeWorld Asia-Pacific June 2018 issue

Highlights of the upcom- ing 31st APACRS annual meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand, 19–21 July 2018, held in partnership with the Royal College of Ophthalmologists of Thailand N ew knowledge, fresh perspectives, discov- ery—these are the di- mensions of ENLIGHT- ENMENT attendees are invited to explore and experience at the upcoming 31st APACRS annual meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand. “The heart of APACRS is the scientific program,” 31st APACRS Annual Meeting Organizing Chairman Pannet Pangputhip- ong, MD , Bangkok, Thailand, wrote in his welcome message to members and guests. “The fields of cataract and refractive surgery have evolved rapidly. Rightly so, our patients always demand better results. As such, we work very hard Dimensions of ENLIGHTENMENT by Chiles Aedam R. Samaniego EyeWorld Asia-Pacific Senior Staff Writer to ensure you find this year’s program to be focused, rigorous, and relevant. The scientific program aims to be worthy of the theme—Enlightenment.” “Enlightenment” attempts to translate bodhi and prajna , con- cepts that fold together “awaken- ing”, “insight, and “understand- ing”. The annual meeting is designed to explore this theme as it applies to theory and practice in ophthalmology through a stream- lined, 3-day scientific program. While the theme is an ap- proximation of a complex spiritual idea, Dr. Pangputhipong reduced the theme to three dimensions that provide a guide to under- standing this theme as it pertains to the annual meeting. With these dimensions in mind, here are just a few of the program’s highlights which aim to help attendees along on their journey to enlightenment (for a complete overview, see the March 2018 issue of EyeWorld Asia- Pacific , available online at digital. eyeworldap.org) . Session locations are rooms at the conference venue, the Shangri-La Hotel, Chiang Mai. New knowledge “Enlightenment,” Dr. Pangputhipong wrote, “is about new knowledge.” The exchange of new informa- tion is the most basic rationale for any periodically held scien- tific meeting. This might best be encapsulated in this year’s Com- bined Symposium of Cataract and Refractive Societies (CSCRS) on “Inner focus – Innovative IOL Technology.” Combined SymposiUM of CATARACT AND Refractive Societies Inner Focus: Innovative IOL Technology CSCRS This year, representatives from APACRS, the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), and the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Sur- geons (ESCRS) will look at some of the most exciting cutting-edge IOL technologies. Light adjust- able, multi-component adjustable, femtosecond laser adjustable, ex- tended depth of focus, and small aperture IOLs will all be discussed in detail. The session will also look at technologies just on the horizon. Throughout, the symposium aims to inform attendees of what can be realistically expected of these technologies. The CSCRS will be held on Friday, 20 July 2018, 10:30 – 12:30 hrs, Lanna Ballroom 2. As in previous years, the socie- ty offers attendees the opportunity to learn directly from the world’s leading ophthalmologists with its series of MasterClasses, covering the hottest topics in ophthalmic surgery. This year, the society is holding 12 MasterClasses: Pedi- atric Cataract Surgery (Steps for Success), Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery, Toric IOLs (Optimizing Outcomes), IOL Fixa- tion (With and Without Sutures), Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery, Crosslinking (Timing and Techniques), Phaco Chop (Means and Methods), Corneal Endothe- lial Transplantation (When and How?), Biometry (Essentials for Success), Intrastromal Refractive Surgery, Vitrectomy for Anterior Segment Surgeons (Principles and Practice), and Advanced Phaco (Mastering Fluidics). Attendees are also invited to “Meet the Experts”, limited reserved-seating breakfast session that will allow surgeons to ask lead- ing ophthalmologists their most burning questions face to face. The MasterClasses will be held throughout the day on Thursday, 19 July 2018. Attendees who have reserved seats will Meet the Ex-