EyeWorld Asia-Pacific June 2018 issue

June 2018 EWAP SECONDARY FEATURE 45 Optimizing Outcomes with the Ocular Surface, Presbyopia and Astigmatism Correction Moderator: Ronald YEOH Faculty: Han Bor FAM Rohit SHETTY Agenda Welcome and Program Overview – Ronald YEOH Refractive Impact of the Ocular Surface • Ocular Surface: The First Refractive Surface of the Eye – TBD • The Rising Understanding, Incidence and Influence of MGD – Rohit SHETTY • Case Discussion: Advancing Therapy for Mixed-Mechanism OSD – TBD Achieving Vision at All Distances and Eliminating Astigmatism • Review of Preoperative Diagnostic Requirements to Drive Optimal Toric and Presbyopia IOL Outcomes – TBD • Matching Toric and Presbyopic Treatment Options to Patient Needs – Han Bor FAM • Panel Discussion: Talking to Your Patients About Cost and Setting Expectations – TBD • Conclude APACRS 2018 • Chiang Mai Saturday, July 21, 2018 12:45 – 14:00 hrs Shangri-La Hotel, Sukothai Room 1&2