EyeWorld India June 2017 Issue

Editorial 3
Table of contents 4
30th APACRS Annual Meeting 7
Advances in corneal inlays 12
History of inlays, the current market, and what’s yet to come 12
Weighing the pros and cons of inlays 15
Choosing a corneal inlay candidate 18
Roles vary for inlays among presbyopia treatments 21
SECONDARY FEATURE: Controversies in anterior segment surgery 24
Is it time to move to intracameral antibiotics? 24
Going dropless 28
Weighing in on NSAID use during cataract surgery 31
Vancomycin-associated HORV: What do we know now? 35
Cataract/ IOL 39
Timing cataract surgery around anti-VEGF injections may be a good idea 39
Refractive surgery 41
Era of multifocality 45
Cornea 43
Top 10 recommendation for preventing complications in corneal refractive surgery 43
Prepping the ocular surface for cataract surgery 44
Preop corneal irregularity approaches for cataract patients 47
Optimizing the ocular surface with amniotic membrane therapy 49
Tips to diagnose corneal lumps and bumps 52
Primer for dry eye diagnosis and treatment before dry eye 55
Glaucoma 58
MIGS: Understanding the options 58
Trabeculectomy: Still relevant in the wake of MIGS 61
Devices 64
Where extended depth of focus IOLs fit 64
Pharmaceuticals 66
‘Tis the season for allergies 66
News & opinion 68
Meeting Reporter 68