EyeWorld India December 2017 Issue

6 7 EWAP DEVICES December 2017 the highly viscous OVD to flatten and stabilize the iris because it is washed out and does not stay in the chamber long enough to com- plete the lens evacuation. There are two sizes of the Malyugin Ring—one is 6.25 mm in diameter and the other 7.0 mm. My prefer- ence in IFIS is the 7.0-mm ring (it provides the pupil size of 6.5 mm). In many cases, when you start doing surgery and then face IFIS leading to iris billowing and pupil constriction, you stop and remove the phaco needle from the eye. Then you inject OVD, and the pupil becomes wide again. In that case, the larger ring fits better,” he said. Dr. Crandall uses the Maly- ugin Ring in these patients. “The newer Malyugin Ring is a little thinner, approximately a 6.5-cm opening. It is very easy to use. Viscoelastic agents are stable, easy to get in, easy to get out, and don’t require any additional inci- sions,” he said. Dr. Crandall noted that it is imperative for surgeons to un- derstand the value of each of the devices. “For an IFIS patient with a normal iris, the Malyugin Ring works very easily. But it’s only going to give you 6.5 mm. If you need more, then you will need an iris hook. For patients with very dense cataracts, surgeons can use a Malyugin Ring, but it’s difficult to bring up the harder, denser nuclei. It’s helpful to have all the difference devices available,” he said. EWAP Editors’ note: Dr. Kenyon has finan- cial interests with Beaver Visitec. Dr. Malyugin has financial inter- ests with MST. Dr. Crandall has no financial interests related to his comments. Contact information Crandall: candy.turnbull@hsc.utah.edu Kenyon: kenrkenyon@cs.com Malyugin: boris.malyugin@gmail.com Malyugin Ring 2.0 injected into the eye Source: Boris Malyugin, MD, PhD The 1st APACRS Young Eye Surgeons (Ayes) session will be presented at the 31st APACRS annual meeting in Chiang Mai from 19 to 21 July 2018. Ayes aims to provide a platform for young eye surgeons to share difficult and/or interesting cataract surgical videos as well as opportunities to compete among peers for the Best ePoster Award. You can look forward to learning from experts at our 12 relevant and focused MasterClasses and Meet the Experts at a roundtable breakfast session where you can ask these household names face to face the questions that have always bugged you. Don’t miss this great opportunity to network with your peers from the Asia-Pacific region! Dr Ronald Yeoh President, APACRS Dr Marcus Ang Co-ordinator, Ayes Recommended Track for Ayes Visit www.apacrs2018.org for meeting updates. Day 1 Day 2 Day 2 Day 2 Day 3 Day 3