EyeWorld India September 2016 Issue

Table of contents 4
Controversies in ophthalmology 8
Examining U.S. doubts in intracameral antibiotic use 8
Joint ASCRS/ASRS Task Force issues findings and recommendations regarding HORV 10
Clinical Alert: HORV association with intraocular vancomycin 15
Opinions on intracameral antibiotics and ASCRS/ASRS alert 18
Immediately sequential bilateral cataract surgery: Should it be done? 20
SMILE compared to LASIK and other procedures 25
Controversies in ophthalmology – survey results from the U.S. and the Asia-Pacific 29
Limbal relaxing incisions versus toric IOLs for astigmatism correction 34
SECONDARY FEATURE: Highlights of the 29th APACRS Annual Meeting 36
2016 APACRS LIM Lecture: Biometry, power calculations, astigmatism 36
‘Quality of vision rules’ everything presbyopia 41
Cataract/ IOL 44
Taking a new approach to IOL power calculations 44
Managing astigmatism at the intraoperative stage 46
There’s residual astigmatism postop—now what? 49
Gender inequality in some pediatric cataract surgery cases 53
Refractive surgery 54
Loteprednol following LASIK and PRK 54
Femtosecond laser flap creation in prior RK patients 55
Cornea 58
Study: Oral antibiotics to treat meibomian gland-related ocular surface disease lacking in data 58
Positive outlook for new technique to make LSCD treatment safer, cheaper, and more widespread 60
Harnessing mighty mitomycin-C 62
Pharmaceuticals 66
Eye on endophthalmitis prevention 66
News & Opinion 68
29th APACRS annual meeting ‘inspired’ in Bali 68