EyeWorld India September 2016 Issue

4 September 2016 EWAP Contents Feature September 2016 Controversies in ophthalmology 8 - 35 Examining U.S. doubts in intracameral antibiotic use 8 Amid American ophthalmologists’ continued wariness of intracameral antibiotic use, physicians address some lingering concerns by Rich Daly Joint ASCRS/ASRS Task Force issues findings and recommendations regarding HORV 10 by David F. Chang, MD, and Andre Witkin, MD Clinical Alert: HORV association with intraocular vancomycin 15 by the ASCRS/ASRS HORV Task Force: David F. Chang, MD, Steve Charles, MD, Dean Eliott, MD, Richard S. Hoffman, MD, J. Michael Jumper, MD, Nick Mamalis, MD, Kevin M. Miller, MD, Andre J. Witkin, MD, and Charles C. Wykoff, MD Opinions on intracameral antibiotics and ASCRS/ASRS alert 18 Experts weigh in on recommendations regarding rare but “strong association” between HORV cases and intracameral vancomycin by Liz Hillman Immediately sequential bilateral cataract surgery: Should it be done? 20 ISBCS is gaining interest as more data becomes available by Liz Hillman SMILE compared to LASIK and other procedures 25 The procedure is catching on in many countries around the world by Ellen Stodola Controversies in ophthalmology – survey results from the U.S. and the Asia-Pacific 29 by by EyeWorld staff Limbal relaxing incisions versus toric IOLs for astigmatism correction 34 Surgeons discuss the pros and cons of each treatment by Lauren Lipuma 44 46 SECONDARY FEATURE: Highlights of the 29th APACRS Annual Meeting 2016 APACRS LIM Lecture: Biometry, power calculations, astigmatism 36 Full coverage of the APACRS LIM Lecture delivered by Oliver Findl, MD, ‘Quality of vision rules’ everything presbyopia 41 Full coverage of the Combined Symposium of Cataract and Refractive Societies (CSCRS) at the last APACRS annual meeting in Bali by Chiles Aedam R. Samaniego CATARACT/IOL Taking a new approach to IOL power calculations 44 Managing astigmatism at the intraoperative stage by Vanessa Caceres 36 8 25 Letter from the Editor 3 Managing astigmatism at the intraoperative stage 46 From LRIs and toric IOLs to intraoperative aberrometry, physicians discuss pearls for the young refractive cataract surgeon by Liz Hillman There’s residual astigmatism postop—now what? 49 Experts discuss how to deal with astigmatic surprises as well as prevent them in the first place with toric IOL patients by Liz Hillman Gender inequality in some pediatric cataract surgery cases 53 Study suggests gender is a factor that could lead to fewer bilateral cataract surgeries for girls in some regions around the world, but expert says this disparity on the whole has gotten better by Liz Hillman