EyeWorld Asia-Pacific September 2014 Issue

7 EWAP NEWS & OPINION September 2014 Femto Facets This symposium chronicles the growing convergence between cataract and refractive surgery. Eminent teams of ophthalmologists will Debate the best ways to manage clinical problems from their respective perspectives as cataract and refractive surgeons. Two Sides of a Coin – Cataract versus Refractive Surgery Approach will be held on Friday, 14 November 2014. Inspiration, Design, Application As the technology for femtolaser assisted cataract surgery matures, ophthalmologists are learning more and more about the advantages and disadvantages of performing this high-tech procedure. In a no-holds-barred symposium, pioneers in the field of femtophaco will discuss the pros and cons, the practicalities and the limitations of the technology. Facets of Femtophaco will be held on Friday, 14 November 2014. Two Sides of a Coin The inspiration, design, and application of ophthalmic surgeries greatest technological innovations will be the focus of Innovation in Surgical Instruments & Devices. At this session, the world’s top innovators in ophthalmic surgery will share the stories behind the instruments and devices that make ophthalmic surgery easier and safer, and teach attendees how best to use them to deliver the best outcomes to patients. The symposium will take place on Friday, 14 November 2014. DAY 3, SATURDAY, 15 NOVEMBER 2014 Live Surgery As usual, the meeting will also feature leading surgeons performing Live Surgery, in a symposium to be held on Saturday, 15 November 2014. Surviving Biometry Challenges This year, the APACRS offers a practical session in which actual clinical scenarios with challenging biometric issues will be presented. The session’s expert panel will comment, criticize, and discuss the correct course of action to ensure precise refractive outcomes after cataract surgery. Prediction Pearls: The Survival Guide will take place on Saturday, 15 November 2014. Film Festival The APACRS film festival seeks out the finest videos from all over the world. While the films will be available for viewing at the Film Festival Viewing Kiosk, the very best gems of the festival will be recognized and awarded at the APACRS Film Festival Awards Ceremony on Saturday, 15 November 2014. The Awards Ceremony is an integral part of the success of the Society’s Film Festival, and all attendees are encouraged to attend this extravagant affair. Bollywood Night Capping off the varied educational and scientific opportunities the APACRS provides, the Society also gives ophthalmologists the chance to establish new friendships with their colleagues and renew old ones at its annual meeting. This year, the APACRS captures the Spirit of India at its Bollywood Night, which promises a night filled with entertainment and dancing under the stars. Jai Ho! DAY 4, SUNDAY, 16 NOVEMBER 2014 Top Gems Ultimately, scientific meetings are rightly centered on scientific method, randomized controlled trials, and peer-reviewed publications. However, cataract and refractive surgery can be very dependent on a surgeon’s skills and experience, things not easily distilled from a textbook or journal. At the end of the meeting, a video session will give some of the world’s most renowned cataract and refractive surgeons the opportunity to offer a practical tip that attendees can use immediately on their next visit to the operating theater. Attendees of this session, Top Cataract & Refractive Surgery Gems, which will take place on Sunday, 16 November 2014, will have the opportunity to vote for the most useful tip. The program will be rounded out by a number of other cataract, refractive, cornea, and glaucoma sessions. See you in Jaipur! 27th APACRS - from page 5