EyeWorld Chinese March 2022 Issue

38 EWAP 2022Ꭱ3ᰵ ᅵ ٶ 参考文㦇 1. Holden BA, et al. Global prevalence of myopia and high myopia and temporal trends from 2000 through 2050. Ophthalmology. 2016;123:1036–1042. 2. Grzybowski A, et al. A review on the epidemiology of myopia in school children worldwide. BMC Ophthalmol. 2020;20:27. 3. Chua W, et al. Efficacy results from the Atropine in the Treatment of Myopia (AT"M) study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2003;44:3119. 4. Yam JC, et al. Low- Concentration Atropine for Myopia Progression (LAMP) study: A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial of 0.05¯, 0.025¯, and 0.01¯ atropine eye drops in myopia control. Ophthalmology. 2019;126:113–124. 5. Larkin GL, et al. Atropine 0.01¯ eye drops for myopia control in American children: A multiethnic sample across three US sites. Ophthalmol Ther. 2019;8:589–598. 6. Li SM, et al. Time outdoors and myopia progression over 2 years in Chinese children: The Anyang Childhood Eye Study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015;56:4734–4740. 7. Brennan NA, et al. Efficacy in myopia control. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2021;83:100923. 编者≢ᱶDr Tan 是新加坡,Eye Retina SXrJeons, Eye Cornea SXrJeons 临床教㗔,与Eye Lens 和 Santen 有经⭙利㯐⤴系。Dr WalsK是 ㇪㴢,㇪㴢,1ew <orN Eye and Ear InÁrmary oI MoXnt Sinai 眼科助教,他 声⒮没有相⤴的经⭙利㯐。 ⁄ഹ←ࣙ૓ 顶尖白内障手术窍门 㧌⅞手术◾䟢幬手术䧎怺㨨㉋乃☘֑勏㓔↯㉋榁㳤⇂↙↯Ϗ ⃙䠏歉␋的白内障手术◾䟢↎冐ⅉ㉱ⱜ的手术㕃オ和㞐∟֑ ↦嬫↯⚲↨⧫⃎㷤択␨手术⹧㢹⻴≂䟫Ϗ㧃∶窍门⻉噺㉚Ⱉ╴Ϗ ⃐屄柜把䦞⯪的械ㄘ㇒ 2022ㄷ6㧋12㢨֑㣢㧢㢨 • 17:30 -19:00hrs Grand Ballroom 103, Coex Seoul ⃾ヰ: Ronald YEOH GrahamBARRETT HyoMyungKIM Singapore Australia South Korea AbhayVASAVADA Jong Suk SONG DamienGATINEL FrancisMAH Do Hyung LEE India South Korea France USA South Korea Gaurav LUTHRA Oliver FINDL Hadi PRAKOSO Hyun Seung KIM Thomas KOHNEN India Austria Indonesia South Korea Germany Amit PORWAL CHEE Soon Phaik Joon YoungHYON GerdAUFFARTH Terry KIM India Singapore South Korea Germany USA 噺得㦷多⊤㌲请䤾㈘ www.apacrs2022.org。 幵勈 第34 届 亚太白内障及激光手术医师 学会年会, 首尔 合作单位 CN TAEKWONDO MASTERS.indd 1 07/03/2022 2:27 PM