EyeWorld Chinese March 2022 Issue

Supported by TECNIS SynergyTM has been shown to offer a wider range of continuous vision with better near, maintaining 20/25 or better VA from -3.0 D to in- nity (Figure 2).10 Furthermore, TECNIS SynergyTM gained an additional line of VA at -3.0D and beyond and achieved higher VA at all distances compared with other trifocal lenses. Most experts agreed that TECNIS SynergyTM IOL is a hybrid PCIOL utilizing various technologies and falls under a new “continuous-range-of-vision” category. Dr Masayuki Ouchi noted that TECNIS SynergyTM is able to provide good vision across distance, intermediate and near to his patients. “TECNIS SynergyTM lls the gaps of troughs created by other trifocal IOLs on the TECNIS SynergyTM represents a new “continous-range-ofvision” category of PCIOL With the evolving needs of modern-day patients, visual tasks including reading, viewing mobile phones, working on computers, walking up the stairs and travelling are becoming increasingly important – and these encompass near, intermediate and distance vision. The ideal IOL should offer good distance through near vision with acceptable glares and halos. However, while most multifocal IOLs deliver good near and distance vision, there remains a gap in intermediate vision.9 Johnson & Johnson Vision has a long history of providing high-quality IOLs. In 2014, Johnson & Johnson Vision pioneered the extended depth of focus (EDOF) technology and introduced the rst EDOF lens, TECNIS SymfonyTM – providing patients with high-quality contrast vision from distance through to functional near vision. Subsequently, Johnson & Johnson Vision succeeded in combining the multifocal and EDOF technologies to deliver continuous high-contrast vision of 0.1 logMAR or better, across distance to even up close at 33 cm.1,6 The TECNIS SynergyTM IOL is patient-centric, allowing patients to experience a range of uninterrupted vision. defocus curves and provides a continuous range of vision. There is no need to hunt for a reading spot,” said Dr Rojanapongpun. What users think of TECNIS SynergyTM Dr D Ramamurthy noted that with TECNIS SynergyTM, mix-and-match implantation of IOLs and micro-monovision are no longer necessary. “Tweaking of the power of the lenses is not required with the use of newer generation formulas for my patients with bilateral implantation of TECNIS SynergyTM, and they are able to function at all distances,” he added. Dr Santaro Noguchi performed a study comparing Alcon’s PanOptix® (n>300) and TECNIS SynergyTM (n=60). Patients receiving TECNIS SynergyTM achieved better distance VA outcomes both with and without correction compared with those receiving PanOptix®. Patients receiving TECNIS SynergyTM also reported higher spectacle independence across all distances compared with patients receiving PanOptix® (97.92% versus 93.43% for far vision; 98.96% versus 95.34% for intermediate vision; and 89.58% versus 75.99% for near vision). There was signi cantly greater visual comfort in viewing mobile phones, viewing under dim light conditions, and for near work in patients receiving TECNIS SynergyTM compared with those receiving PanOptix®. Glare and halos were comparable for TECNIS SynergyTM and PanOptix® when measured three-month postoperatively. Although present, glare and halos did not affect Copyright 2022 APACRS. All rights reserved. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, editorial board, or publisher, and in no way imply endorsement by EyeWorld, Asia-Pacific or APACRS. All other trademarks are the intellectual property of their respective owners. © Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. 2022. PP2022CT4024 Figure 2. Binocular distance-corrected defocus curves from head-to-head clinical study10* vs PanOptix® IOL based on 3-month, interim postoperative data.