EyeWorld China December 2022 Issue

24 EWAP 2022年12月 㻿㛉 ASIA-PACIFIC PERSPECTIVES Sharon D’Souza, MD Consultant, Dept. of Cornea, Ocular Surface, and Refractive Service Chief Coordinator, Ocular Surface Clinic Narayana Nethralaya, Bangalore, India drsharondsouza@gmail.com 干眼病(DED)在过㐣⭎年中呈㺚数⭌增长。我们现在了解到,这是一种多因素疾病,无论㍱在病因是㖬ぼ,都与炎㺄、高㔴㟬压和泪液㢺㜢丧失有 关。1 ⢗据泪膜的变化,DED 通常分为缺水型和蒸发型干眼,☏在临床实⮏中,我们确实看到这两种类型之间▌在很大的重♢。1 因此,在治疗干眼 㺄时,重要的是不仅要⏣充泪膜成分,还要治疗炎㺄和相关的眼修或㋦他异常。 由于这是一种非常动㜢和复杂的情况,多⤸齐下的诊断和治疗方法是获得最⭧结果的关键。诊断DED 的一个重要挑战是患者表现出的㺄状的变异性。 此外,由于伤⧀感或神经病变成分的增加,㺄状和体㸛之间也可能▌在差异。2 3 包括全身健康、㱒㬤、激素变化、㺒㮟和药物在内的㦚细病㖱有助于临床医生获得㽜确和㠞整的诊断。患有原发性或继发性干㵕㽻合㸛的患者需要进 行㦚细的评估和㫖液检查,以了解疾病活动性,除⳨部治疗外,还需要全身用药。4 我们发现全身性维生素D缺乏与干眼㺄和伤ⶪ㲢合有重要关⻶,⏣充这 些㱒㬤素对改㔂患者㺄状和⮋少炎㺄也很重要。 6 对于修⊓㦉功能障≛(0GD)和蒸发性干眼㺄患者,对眼修、修⊓㦉㈉出分ア物的质量和数量、び细㫖 ⤸⸷㷩和≪陷等变化进行⒡底评估,可提㖸疾病的㫻重性和病程。 除了㑆⟓、眼修㢲生等治疗外,手术治疗也㦄㖸出了⼈好的效果。㖲量㑆 Ⓧ疗法(LipiÂoZ,JohnVon JohnVon,JaFNVonville,FL,8SA)和强 Ⓧ光(Eye liJhW deviFe,EVpanVione 0arNeWinJ S3A ,%oloJna,IWaly和 E-Eye,E-SZin,+oXdan,FranFe)在治疗㠛固性和〇性0GD 和干眼㺄 方面非常有用。7 8 他们⳱有㙣重效应,可以提高修⊓㦉分ア的质和量,⮋㎡眼表炎㺄。9 ⶨ㺨眼表炎㺄是治疗〇性干眼㺄的关键,0 0 环䪡素滴眼液已被证明在改㔂干眼的㺄状和体㸛方面⳱有持续⼈好的效果。 ⢕种炎㺄因子如003-9 和白细⊩介素IL-6、1Ư、2、4、17、T1FƮ 已被证明在干眼㺄患者中有改变。10 一种易于使用、基于泪液的门诊生物⍖志 物即时检测,可以一次测量多种分子因素,并⻮即出结果,这是为干眼病提供个性化⤸理的下一个前㬄。(%io-0 3aWhÁnder 1ovo0ol-D[ India a FXVWoPi]ed verVion oI Whe EllaAXWoPaWed ELISA VyVWeP %io-TeFhne ‹ CorporaWion 0inneVoWa 8SA)。 参考文㦇 1. Craig JP, et al. TF"S DEWS II Definition and Classification Report. Ocul Surf. 2017 Jul;15(3):276-283. 2. D½Souâa S, et al. Corneal Confocal Microscopy Features and Tear Molecular Profile in Study Participants with Discordance between "cular Surface Disease Clinical Signs and Discomfort. J Clin Med. 2022 Apr 25;11(9):2407. 3. Thulasi P and Djalilian AR. Update in Current Diagnostics and Therapeutics of Dry Eye Disease. Ophthalmology. 2017 Nov;124(11S):S27-S33. 4. Vehof J, et al. Advances, limitations and future perspectives in the diagnosis and management of dry eye in Sjögren’s syndrome. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2020 Jul-Aug;38 Suppl 126(4):301-309. 5. Shetty R, et al. Lower Vitamin D Level and Distinct Tear Cytokine Profile Were "bserved in Patients with Mild Dry Eye Signs but Exaggerated Symptoms. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2016 Dec 14;5(6):16. 6. Shetty R, et al. Corneal Dendritic Cell Density Is Associated with Subbasal Nerve Plexus Features, "cular Surface Disease Index, and Serum Vitamin D in Evaporative Dry Eye Disease. Biomed Res Int. 2016;2016:4369750. 7. Hu J, et al. Efficacy and safety of a vectored thermal pulsation system (LipiflowÁ) in the treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 Jan;260(1):25-39. 8. 8ue AL, et al. Randomised double-masked placebo-controlled trial of the cumulative treatment efficacy profile of intense pulsed light therapy for meibomian gland dysfunction. Ocul Surf. 2020 Apr;18(2):286-297. 9. D½Souâa S, et al. Clinical and Molecular "utcomes After Combined Intense Pulsed Light Therapy With Low-Level Light Therapy in Recalcitrant Evaporative Dry Eye Disease With Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. Cornea. 2022 Sep 1;41(9):1080-1087. 10. Khamar P, et al. Dysregulated Tear Fluid Nociception-Associated Factors, Corneal Dendritic Cell Density, and Vitamin D Levels in Evaporative Dry Eye. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019 Jun 3;60(7):2532-2542. 编者≢: Dr D’SoX]a 声明没有相关经济利㯐。