EyeWorld Chinese September 2021 Issue

CATALYS TM cOS 6.0 - Technology and Experience Sharing Jae Bum Lee, MD , Korea Currently, there are five laser cataract surgery ma- chines on the market, with the CATALYS TM Precision Laser System being one of them. In a talk on the new CATALYS TM cOS 6.0 plat- form, Jae Bum Lee, MD, Korea shared his experi- ence using CATALYS TM and its advantages over com- petitor machines. One advantage Dr. Lee has found with the new CATALYS TM system is that the capsulorhexis (CCC) time is less than one second. CCC centration is performed by scanning the capsular center (pupil, limbus, or a custom point). Dr. Lee also points out that there is less damage done during suction with only a 10 mmHg intraoc- ular pressure (IOP) rise compared to higher IOP rise in other systems. New features of the CATALYS TM system Dr. Lee pointed out are the improved user software, a built-in Donnenfeld nomo- gram for arcuate incisions, a toric axis marker on the cornea, and the ability to connect the system with a Cassini topographer. “These features enable us Supported by an educational grant from Johnson & Johnson Vision Today's Cataract Practice: Evolving technology to optimize patient’s outcomes On the CATALYS TM Precision Laser System, surgeons are able to customize the frag- mentation direction depending on their preference for incisional precision. to have advanced astig- matism management,” says Dr. Lee. Scanning with the new updated CATALYS TM is time-saving, according to Dr. Lee, with simultaneous scanning of the cornea and lens. Fragmentation direction for incisional position can also be cus- tomized and changed to any direction, whether right-handed, left-handed, or the surgeon’s prefer- ence. Because CATALYS TM now has a built-in arcu- ate incision nomogram (Donnenfeld nomogram), limbal relaxing incisions are made easier. Dr. Lee says, “I have previously used 33% reduction of the Donnenfeld nomogram, but the result of the cor- rection of astigmatism was undercorrection. I I finally was able to change the reduction to 20% with the Donnenfeld nomogram.” Other new features of the CATALYS TM include ref- erence marking with the robomarkers’ infrared ink and manual compensation for cyclorotation utilizing the touch-screen. Toric axis marking is more accu- rate with this CATALYS TM OCT screen. Surgeons are able to modify the param- eter of the optical zone as well as the length. This allows for better visualiza- tion of the toric axis mark- er during surgery and after surgery to check for toric IOL rotation after pupil dilation. With these new features, Dr. Lee believes that surgeons will be able to advance their surger- ies for more precise and accurate outcomes.