EyeWorld Chinese September 2020 Issue

EWAP 2020年 9月 17 封面专题 热和排出腺体或手持式释放光能 的设备软化睑板腺堵塞。如果联 合显微睑板腺去脂质,结果能够 最大化,她说。 干眼和高端晶状体 Dr. Trattler 说高端晶状体,尤 其是老视矫正晶状体,可以治疗 残留散光。医生必须确保获得准 确的测量保证选择最合适的晶 状体度数。一般首先需要积极 治疗MGD 和干眼,获得好的测 量。Dr. Trattler 也提到光线可 调式晶状体(RxSight),需要在 术后3-4周进行测量和晶状体调 整处理。对于植入这些晶状体的 患者,事先治疗并优化眼表,在 晶状体度数锁定之前继续治疗, 很重要。 “对于需要自费使用高端晶 状体的患者,我们需要精细调 整他们的屈光结果,否则我们 就会遇到不满意的患者,” Dr. Matossian 说。他们的期望远 超完美,因为他们自费了几千 美金,她说,优化眼表获得更可 靠的信息很重要,尤其是寻求不 戴眼镜的患者。如果是长期使 用药物有非常严重干眼的患者, 他们可能不太适合使用老视矫正 www.haag-streit.com Artificial intelligence with Hill-RBF IOL data from all over the world collected by leading cataract surgeons is the foundation for the Hill-RBF. This big data is analyzed by pattern recognition based on artificial intelligence leading to highly accurate IOL predictions and providing confi- dence thanks to a unique reliability check. Hill-RBF 2.0 The new version of RBF is based on a bigger dataset consis- ting over 3x the amount of data compared to the previous version. This leads to an impressive outcome of 94.8% within ±0.5 D in all eyes*. In addition the Hill-RBF was complemen- ted with the well-established Abulafia-Koch algorithm for torical applications. * n = 288 / Clinical Study: Sperical Equivalent Results, Steven V. Scoper, Satelite Symposium, ASCRS 2017 LENSTAR 900 AI powered IOL calculation 晶状体,需要告知患者为什么他 们不适合使用这种晶状体, Dr. Matossian 说。 EWAP 参考文献 1. Gupta PK, et al. Prevalence of ocular surface dysfunction in patients presenting for cataract surgery evaluation. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2018;44:1090–1096. 2. Trattler WB, et al. The Prospective Health Assessment of Cataract Patients’ Ocular Surface (PHACO) study: the effect of dry eye. Clin Ophthalmol. 2017;11:1423–1430. 3. Starr CE, et al. An algorithm for the preoperative diagnosis and treatment of ocular surface disorders. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2019;45:669–684. 编辑注: Dr. Epitropoulos 是俄亥俄,哥 伦比亚,俄亥俄州大学,眼科临床助教, 和 Novartis, Allergan, Sun, Johnson & Johnson Vision, PRN以及 BlephEx 有相关经济利益关系。Dr. Matossian 在宾州,Doylestown, Matossian Eye Associates 执业,和Johnson & Johnson Vision, Quidel, TearLab, Bruder, PRN 以及BlephEx 有相关经济 利益关系。Dr. Starr 是纽约州,纽约, Weill Cornell Medicine 眼科副教授, 和 Allergan, Novartis, Alcon, Johnson & Johnson Vision, Dompe, BlephEx, Bruder, TearLab, Quidel, Sun, Kala 以及Eyevance 有相关经济利益关系。 Dr. Trattler 是佛罗里达州,迈阿密, Center for Excellence in Eye Care, 角膜专业主任,和Allergan, Novartis, Sun, Sight Sciences, Johnson & Johnson Vision, Bausch + Lomb, NovaBay 以及Alcon 有经济利益关系。 白内障术后出现影响视力的角膜染色很常 见,但是患者常常没有症状。 来源: Christopher Starr, MD