EyeWorld Chinese March 2020 Issue

J IN US IN BOSTON, MA Come to the 2020 ASCRS Annual Meeting, the preeminent anterior segment surgical meeting, May 15-19, 2020! Visit Annualmeetin g.ascrs.or g, the new ASCRS Annual Meeting registration portal, to register today! J I IN B , M Come to the 2020 ASCRS Annual Me ting, the preeminent anterior segment surgical me ting, ay 15-19, 2020! Vis t An ualme ting. ascrs.org, the new ASCRS An ual Me ting registration portal, to register today! I I , Come to the 2020 ASCRS Annual Meeting, the preeminent anterior segment surgical meeting, ay 15-19, 2020! Visit Annual eeting .ascrs.org , the new ASCRS Annual Meeting registration portal, to register today! I , o e to the 2020 S S nual eeting, the pr e inent anterior seg ent surgical eeting, ay - , ! Visit Annual eeting .ascrs.org , the new ASCRS Annual eeting registration portal, to register today! Meeting Cancelled