EyeWorld Chinese March 2020 Issue

INTRODUCTION U ntil recently, avail- able monofocal lenses for patients with cataracts were only able to correct for distance vision with no ability to improve the inter- mediate vision that is import- ant for many daily tasks (e.g. personal grooming, household tasks, food preparation) and social activities (e.g. reading tablets, gardening, playing mahjong and participating in sports). Intermediate vision has be- come an increasingly important patient need, reflecting in- creased use of computers and smart technology. 1 TECNIS EYHANCE TM IOL: REDEFINING THE CONCEPT OF MONOFOCAL IOLs Highlights from the Asia-Pacific Johnson & Johnson Vision Scientific Advisory Board Meeting, Singapore, October 2019 In recognition of the lifestyle needs of today's patients and the limitation of traditional monofocal intraocular lens (IOL), Johnson & Johnson Vision developed the TECNIS Eyhance™ intraocular lens (IOL). This represents the first monofocal IOL in Asia-Pacific that provides both intermedi- ate and distance vision. 2 TECNIS Eyhance™ IOL allows patients to achieve significantly improved intermediate vision, compared with a standard aspheric monofocal IOL, along with 6/6 distance vision. 2 Positive patient outcomes from the innovation of TECNIS Eyhance TM are reflected in a recent published study 3 where visual outcomes, optical quali- Figure 2: TECNIS Eyhance™ IOL provides improved intermediate vision and similar distance vision to TECNIS ® 1-piece IOL due to its higher-order aspheric surface, result- ing in continuous increase in power from the periphery to the centre of the lens, while reducing spherical aberration to nearly zero. 6 Dr. Douglas Lam Hong Kong Dr. Fam Han Bor Singapore A/Prof. Kanograt Pornpanich Thailand Dr. Warakorn Thiamthat Thailand This sponsored supplement reflects the opinions and experiences of the advisory board meeting participants, a panel of experts in cataract surgery across the Asia-Pacific region, who convened in Singapore on October 20th, 2019. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any process, in any language, without the written permission of J&J Vision. Dr. Brendan Cronin Australia Dr. Dylan Chan Hong Kong Dr. Debasish Bhattacharya India Dr. Ronald Yeoh Singapore ATTENDEES ty, spectacle independence and patient satisfaction were com- pared with a standard aspheri- cal monofocal IOL. 3 While the study results for the two groups show similar mon- ocular and binocular distance and near visual acuities, the monocular and binocular UIVA were significantly higher in the Eyhance group. Thus giving better spectacle independence with TECNIS Eyhance TM than the standard IOL. 3 TECNIS Eyhance TM had higher patients' satisfaction than the standard aspherical IOL as the two groups did not show any statistical difference in terms of photopic contrast sensitivity, objective scatter index (OSI),