EyeWorld China December 2019 Issue

THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL CATARACT SURGERY The latest and exciting evolution in cataract surgery is the introduction of the three-dimensional (3D) surgical platform. The NGENUITY ® 3D Visualization System consists of a high definition camera that captures real-time images from the operating microscope and displays magnified three-dimensional images on a screen thus providing an immersive visualization experience improving precision, depth, and detail during cataract surgery. Dr. Krishna Prasad, a leading expert from MM Joshi Eye Institute in India provided an overview of the NGENUITY ® 3D Visualization System and pointed out that compared to traditional analog microscopes, NGENUITY ® delivers up to 48% greater magnification, up to 5 times extended depth of field, and up to 42% finer depth resolution. 19 Highlighting the advantages of NGENUITY ® (Table 5), Dr. Prasad mentioned that the expanded surgical view provides an excellent educational tool and provides a unique learning experience. Furthermore, the data fusion software enables integration of NGENUITY ® with the CONSTELLATION ® Vision System, and allows display of intraocular pressure, flow rates, infusion pressure, and laser power in one screen. Another unique feature of NGENUITY ® is its superior surgical ergonomics, which allows the surgeon to perform a heads-up surgery bydisplaying the imageof thesurgical fieldona3Dscreen. Thesurgeon does not need to look through the microscope thus minimizing the strain on neck and back. This is a significant advantage since several studies shown that ophthalmologists are highly vulnerable to neck pain, back pain, headaches and musculoskeletal disorders due to the constant strain from looking through the microscope. 20-23 NGenuity ® - Better Visualization and Ergonomics in Cataract Surgeries Krishna Prasad “NGENUITY ® is an interesting tool for cataract surgery with real-time view of the surgical field and is not difficult to learn.” Dr. Krishna Prasad Table 5: Advantages of NGENUITY ® 1. Expanded surgical view 2. Expansive immersive environment 3. Complete real-time view of surgical information 4. Potential for better communication and workflow 5. Promotes improved learning environment 6. Acts as an educational tool 7. Offers superior surgical ergonomics, minimizing the strain on neck and back Through its high magnification and real time surgical information, NGENUITY ® 3D visualization system not only provides enhanced real-time surgical view facilitating improved outcomes, but also offers improved surgical ergonomics to the surgeons. Dr. Zhang Chun presented case videos of procedures where he used NGENUITY ® in his practice. His cases included phacoemulsification procedure, management of uveitiswith anterior synechiae, congenital cataract with fibrosis of anterior capsule, subluxated lens, cataract with persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous and grade 5 cataract. “I had been using NGENUITY ® the last 2 years to perform all my ophthalmic surgeries including anterior segment surgery”, said Dr. Zhang Dr Zhang reiterated that the NGENUITY ® visualization system provides high magnification increased depth of field, wider field of view, lower illumination and data fusion, along with effective learning environment and superior ergonomics, an important tool in any cataract surgery. Digital 3D Visualization in Various Anterior Segment Surgeries with NGENUITY ® Zhang Chun NGENUITY ® provides enhanced magnification and high-definition three-dimensional visualization of the surgical field during various anterior segment surgeries. 7