EyeWorld China December 2019 Issue

Continuous innovations in surgical techniques and enhancement in technologies has enabled the ophthalmic community to provide better surgical outcomes and more options for cataract patients. The Alcon’s FORESIGHT 2019 meeting, which was held on June 22- 23, 2019 in Hong Kong, attracted experts and key opinion leaders from the Asia- Pacific regionwho showcased the recent advances in techniques and technologies, and shared clinical experience and insight on the latest developments in cataract surgery. Themajor areas of discussion and interest included advanced technology intraocular lenses, innovative phacoemulsification techniques, cataract refractive suites and three- dimensionalcataractsurgery.Themeetinginspiredideasanddiscussionswiththevisiontohelppatientsseebrilliantly. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES IN CATARACT SURGERY INNOVATION AND EVOLUTION IN CATARACT SURGERY: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE Technological innovation and technique evolution in ophthalmology over the past 20 years, has led to a remarkable transformation in the techniques and success of cataract surgeries, highlighted Dr Ronald Yeoh, Adjunct Associate Professor, Singapore National Eye Centre. Cataract surgery has evolved from couching, intra-capsular cataract emulsification (ICCE), extra-capsular cataract emulsification (ECCE) and small-incision cataract surgery (SICS), to phacoemulsification (phaco) cataract surgery and more recently, to femtosecond laser- assisted cataract surgery (FLACS). The introduction of foldable intraocular lenses (IOLs) in phaco cataract surgery led to smaller incisions and better refractive results. Further advances in IOL development include asphericity, toricity, bi-focality, tri-focality and adjustable IOLs, providing the patients and surgeons with more options and better outcomes. Newer research on non- diffractive IOLs along with accommodating, adjustable and modular IOLs seems promising in our quest for total spectacle freedom. Further exciting developments in cataract surgery include the cataract refractive suites and three-dimensional (3D) surgery. The new NGENUITY ® 3D Visualization System provides real-time data on one screen, while allowing three-dimensional visualization, thereby enhancing surgical performance. The cataract refractive suite also presents a new standard of performance in cataract surgery that integrates different technologies and devices to improve safety, efficacy and precision of cataract surgery. “With surge in development of robots, artificial intelligence and machine learning, the use of healthcare data and speed of implementation of new technologies is changing exponentially. The healthcare community will need to catch up with these technologies to stay abreast with the future of healthcare,” remarked Mr Lucien Engelen, Global Strategist Digital Health for Deloitte’s Center for the Edge, Netherlands. “Alcon is designing applications to assist patient’s journey by simplifying the complexity of surgery and adding efficiency to practice. Seamless data exchange and cloud-based decision support through artificial intelligence and machine learning will address the technology gaps in cataract patients’ refractive journey”, highlighted Luxin Wang, Alcon Asia Surgical Franchise Head. “With surge in development of robots, artificial intelligence and machine learning, the use of healthcare data and speed of implementation of new technologies is changing exponentially.” Mr. Lucien Engelen “Merely inventing a new technology is not enough; it has to be accompanied by modification of surgical techniques. We need convergence of technology and technique.” Dr. Ronald Yeoh Alcon is commited to design applications and address technological gaps in the cataract refractive patient journey “Alcon is designing applications to assist patient’s journey by simplifying the complexity of surgery and adding efficiency to practice.” Luxin Wang