EyeWorld China December 2019 Issue

EWAP 2019年 12月 39 白内障 欢迎来新加坡 ! 2020 年 7 月 9 – 11 日 • Suntec Singapore Convention Centre www.apacrs-snec2020.org 超越 2020 精益求精 对于近视眼晶状体手术后 PVD 对RD 的影响, Dr. Ullrich 及其团队收集了6 个国家,11 个眼科中心,618 例眼轴超过 25 mm 的患者的信息,是近视 人工晶体眼视网膜脱离 ESCRS 研究的一部分。研究的主要结 果将在3年后进行分析,随访增 加到5年。研究包括眼底照相, SD-OCT 和超声。研究分成两 组,完全PVD 和部分或没有 PVD。研究正在进行中。 “要记住一些临床要点。术 前要检查是否存在PVD,可以 使用OCT。但是,预防性激光 治疗存在争议,对于RD 对侧眼 有格子样变性的可以考虑。近 视眼的RLE, 需要仔细的知情同 意,最好适用于55 岁有PVD 的 患者,” Dr. Ullrich 说。 EWAP 参考文献 1. Bjerrum SS, et al. Risk of pseudophakic retinal detachment in 202,226 patients using the fellow non-operated eye as reference. Ophthalmology . 2013;120:2573–2579. 2. Daien V, et al. Incidence, risk factors, and impact of age on retinal detachment after cataract surgery in France: a national population study. Ophthalmology . 2015;122:2179–85. 3. Rosen E. Risk management for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment following refractive lens exchange and phakic IOL implantation in myopic eyes. J Cataract Refract Surg . 2006;32:697–701. 4. Colin J, et al. Retinal detachment after clear lens extraction for high myopia: seven-year follow-up. Ophthalmology . 1999;106:2281–4. 5. Ripandelli G, et al. Cataract surgery as a risk factor for retinal detachment in very highly myopic eyes. Ophthalmology . 2003;110:2355–61. 6. Laube, T., et al., Pseudophakic retinal detachment in young-aged patients. PLoS One , 2017. 12(8): p. e0184187. 7. Tielsch, J.M., et al., Risk factors for retinal detachment after cataract surgery. A population-based case-control study. Ophthalmology , 1996. 103(10): p.1537-45. 8. Petousis V, et al. Risk factors for retinal detachment following cataract surgery: the impact of posterior capsule rupture. Br J Ophthalmol . 2016;100:1461–1465. 9. Yonemoto, J., et al., The age of onset of posterior vitreous detachment. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol , 1994. 232(2): p. 67-70. 10. Itakura, H., et al., Vitreous changes in high myopia observed by swept-source optical coherence tomography. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci , 2014. 55(3): p. 1447-52. 11. Ivastinovic D, et al. Evolution of early changes at the vitreoretinal interface after cataract surgery determined by optical coherence tomography and ultrasonography. Am J Ophthalmol . 2012;153:705–9. 12. Hilford, D., et al., Posterior vitreous detachment following cataract surgery. Eye (Lond) , 2009. 23(6): p. 1388-92. 13. Hikichi, T., Time course of development of posterior vitreous detachments after phacoemulsification surgery. Ophthalmology , 2012. 119(10): p. 2102-7. 编辑注: Dr. Ullrich 是奥地利,维也 纳,Hanusch Hospital, Vienna Institute for Research in Ocular Surgery 专科医 生,声明没有相关经济利益关系。