EyeWorld China December 2019 Issue

Supported by an educational grant from Johnson & Johnson Vision T ECNIS Symfony is an extended range of vision intraocular lens (IOL) that pro- vides vision from far to inter- mediate distance. This IOL has an achromatic diffractive pattern that elongates the focus and compensates for chromatic aberration. In preliminary data from Dr. Nakamura, TECNIS Symfony was compared with Acrysof IQ PanOptix in terms of monocular dis- tance-corrected visual acu- ity. Based on preliminary data, TECNIS Symfony might show better outcomes than PanOptix at interme- diate distances, while Pan- Optix may be better than TECNIS Symfony at a near distance. For emmetropia, though, Innovations in J&J Technology Binocular visual performance after implantation of TECNIS Symfony ® IOL targeting slight myopia Kunihiko Nakamura, MD, PhD PanOptix may be more advantage than TECNIS Symfony, and this begs the question: Do we need to target emmetropia for implantation of TECNIS Symfony? Dr. Nakamura further compared binocular uncorrected visual acuities between TECNIS Symfony L group (target refraction -0.5 D) and TECNIS Symfony E group (target 0D). Between L and E group of IOLs, the data showed that binocular uncorrected visual acuity of L was signifi- cantly better than E at 50cm distance. There was no difference of contrast sensi- tivity at all spatial frequen- cies as well as no difference in stereopsis. Additionally, bilateral implantation of TECNIS Symfony target- ing -0.5D would expand working distance vision and improve spectacles depen- dence without aggravating uncorrected far vision. Thus from Dr. Nakamura data, in terms of expanding working distance, TECNIS Symfony is comparable to the PanOptix IOL. Most patients are actual- ly satisfied with the perfor- mance of TECNIS Symfony, which provides excellent vision from far to intermedi- ate distance and acceptable near vision. However, some Figure 1. Personalized vision for TECNIS Symfony mix & match. Evaluations are made after the staged implantation of TECNIS Symfony in the first eye. Choice for second eye will depend on satisfaction of the first eye. (Image taken from Dr. Nakamura's presentation) " Contralateral implantation of TECNIS Symfony ® and TECNIS ® Multi- focal IOLs may be able to relieve the need for spectacles for those patients with near vision issues. " T " l l i l i T l i l l li l i i i i i