EyeWorld China March 2018

The FEMTO LDV Z8 is CE marked and FDA cleared for the use in the United States. For other countries, availability may be restricted due to regulatory requirements; please contact Ziemer for details. It's Time to make a Move +V JCU PGXGT DGGP UQ UKORNG VQ CFCRV PGY VGEJPQNQI[ KPVQ [QWT FCKN[ YQTMƝQY 6JG VTWN[ OQDKNG ('/61 .&8 < ƜPCNN[ GPCDNGU [QW VQ WUG PGZV IGPGTCVKQP HGOVQUGEQPF NCUGT VGEJPQNQI[ HQT [QWT ECVCTCEV CPF TGHTCEVKXG UWTIGTKGU YYY HGOVQNFX EQO Augencentrum Zytglogge, Dr. Baumann, Berne, Switzerland