EyeWorld China March 2018

ŭ ʃ EWAP ᓤᒙ 53 小梁显微旁路治疗作为传统青光眼滤过手术后 微创手术– 2014 年起的回顾性分析 6JQOCU /CEJGT /& *GKMG *ÁDGTNG /& ,WNKCPG 9ÁEJVGT /& %CTUVGP 6JCPPJÁWUGT /& *GPPKPI #WTKEJ /& &W[ 6JQCK 2JCO /& , %CVCTCEV 4GHTCEV 5WTI #TVKENG KP RTGUU 目的: Ӈ͍ȐʿʅşȡũԴՏнʾɕ 21#) Š ޥ ϰ࿍ĿƋ׷ɕ ߞؤ ̑ă މ ਮ͠౪ɍƪċŇඪׅųॶɢж ߑ ĀǥʿਐвŠȫƽȡ뺯 场所: ؞Ś뻟ყ ڄ 뻟#WIGPMNKPKM뻟8KXCPVGU -NKPKMWO 0GWMÓNNP 设计: ƫܷȡ뻟˱Ăġķ뻟ũǽ뻟πΏƯ ތࠕ 方法: œୗ ŭőȐʿ 21#) Šɕ ؤ ăĩ ߞ ̑Āਮ͠뺯ǨĈɕ ޥ ϰĈĿ ψɺĂơ࿍ĿƋ׷뺯ĩѿʼn̗ͲᇄȍǡӮԴ̛᎕ԶՠŠઓՏ뺯ƪċ K5VGPVU ౪ɍૺ൬ 5EJNGOO ϯ뺯 结果: Ůɕġ ŮĈĿĂơнʾɕ࿍ĿƋ׷뺯Ώਲ਼ ċʃ뻟Ϙơ࿍Ŀ Ƌ׷˫ ە ԇૼĀː ߴ ɕ ؤ Ȯ׷ǡ Ž OO*I ܱψ Ž OO*I뺯ŢǘĈĿĂơŘĘ࿍ĿƋ׷ԇૼ뻟ː ߴ ɕ ؤ Ȯ׷ǡ Ž OO*I ܱψ Ž OO*I뺯̹ů ۽ ˀ̾ϝȮ Ž ܱψ Ž 뺯 ŊĈşŀ׷ġͱ׈Ƌ׷ʿ˄şग़뺯 结论: ŢǘĈĿ࿍ĿƋ׷܈Š ۽ ˀăĩ ߞ ̑ɕ ؤ Āɕ뻟౪ɍƪċ K5VGPV ĄĂ ƞųՇƦȫƽĀƶʒ뻟׷Ŷ ċʃː ߴ ɕ ؤ Īܱė OO*I뺯̹ů ۽ ˀ ̾ϝģĈ׎ɺĻŘ͎Ƭ֙Ȯȡ뺯 Ƨǟ͠Ǩ؜ΡĀ뻟ɃʭචƋ׷Ե Ĉܱɕ ؤ вˆ뺯ҲīͩNjĀ뻟׷ ǡɕ ؤ বƬ뻟ďɏĕȏਮ͠ĀŰ ߧ 뻟Šևӣԙʇ׷Ŷɕ ؤ ĪܱȠ ȱ뺯 ĕȏਮ͠ˈɩąƪƞĻŘ ܱӣɕ ؤ Ā ܭ ਐ뻟Ȃˤ̀đ˱ћ Ā غۈ œୖ뺯ĻŘȝ˱ ڙ Ƀʭච ำ פ ǟħĂċŢ̆ غ 뻟ؓƔŴĶ Ā׷ǡɕ ؤ ĻĩĜӣǘ غތࠕ 뺯 Ȑʿнʾɕਮ͠뻟ȤևĕƞĥՏ Ƌ׷ŠȆǡԶѤኦੰȡнʾɕԶ Ѥ ܭ ਐ ૼƧǞơŇඪО פ ͱ ڇ ȹϯ౪ɍƋ׷ ģʼnĈNj ػ 뺯ԉ ڏ ތࠕ ĉ׻׼ϞĉˍՖʹƓѺնŠ ɕˌ̖੟ĀȪϜĜʼnĈů뺯ǡơ ࿍ĿƋ׷ŠǕơ ܭ ਐĀǎ঴Ĵǎ ģĄȶđĀƱʜ뺯 āĶʼn ד ኁ뻟ƫܷĕȏlsưĴ أ ƔŊĈՖʹƓœୖ뺯5VWFGPV V নԥŢǘdž ک ɕ ؤ Ӎ̹ů ۽ ˀ ̾ϝĀĪܱĄۚԵɆՖʹƓׅō ȡĄκ݉Ā뺯 ތࠕ ŊĈζг׷ġ Š׷Ŷ˄şग़뺯ȚĄƢƆşŀą Ƈĭ˄şग़ʼnȶđ뺯Ƌ׷Ŷ뻟ʼnę Ăˌœਮ͠ ̀đ૘ʌƋ ׷뻟ȚĄŊĈĕ غ ਮ͠Ā૘ʌƱ ʜ뺯ĕ غ ਮ͠Āː ߴ ˫ ە ĴǎĄ Ġǥ뻲ĕƀ -CRNCP /GKGT ŀԪ ف ϞĜʼnĈů뺯ĕȏਮ͠Ąۚગ ɍŖͥœୖ뻲NJˇʏ Š ׅФ ĀŮคӍ ċ뻟ȚĄƟǕ̞ಗą Ůɕ뺯NJġŊĈĸdžħƇĭ ࠕ ތ ġˌœɕŊĈગɍʏȪœୖ뺯 āĶ৔ǜǟ͠Ţ࿍ĿƋ׷˫ ە ĀȐʿнʾɕਮ͠चůӮԴƋ ׷ĀĥҌѳ뻟˄ ؼ ũ֐ąɋʿ ࠕ ތ 뺯Ĉąĕȏ ތࠕ lsưƥŶ뻟ĕ ƞĻĩȡҲīɘĂϳҨছ뻟Ȃħ ȆǡŢǘኦੰȡ ߙ ȶнʾɕĀ ܭ ਐƶʒʼnĈՄ뺯 '9#2 ݬ ఠᆪማ 1. Saheb H, et al. Micro-invasive glaucoma surgery: current perspec- tives and future directions. Curr Opin Ophthalmol . 2012;23:96– 104. 2. Richter GM, et al. Minimally inva- sive glaucoma surgery: current status and future prospects. Clin Ophthal- mol . 2016;10:189–206. 3. Gedde SJ, et al. Postoperative complications in the Tube Versus Tra- beculectomy (TVT) study during five years of follow-up. Am J Ophthalmol. 2012;153:804–814. 4. Gedde SJ, et al. The Tube Versus Trabeculectomy Study: Interpretation of results and application to clini- cal practice . Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2012;23:118–26. 5. Lavia C, et al. Minimally-invasive glaucoma surgeries (MIGS) for open angle glaucoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PloS One. 2017;12:e0183142. 6. Resende AF, et al. IStent trabecu- lar microbypass stent: An update. J Ophthalmol. 2016;2016:2731856. 7. Samuelson TW, et al. Randomized evaluation of the trabecular micro-by- pass stent with phacoemulsification in patients with glaucoma and cataract. Ophthalmol. 2011;118:459– 67. 8. Katz LJ, et al. Prospective random- ized study of one, two, or three trabecular bypass stents in open- angle glaucoma subjects on topical hypotensive medication. Clin Oph- thalmol. 2015;9:2313–20. 9. Chang DF, et al. Efficacy of two trabecular micro-bypass stents combined with topical travoprost in open-angle glaucoma not controlled on two preoperative medications: 3-year follow-up. Clin Ophthalmol. 2017;11:523–528. 10. Heuer DK, et al. Consensus on definitions of success. In: Shaarawy TM, Sherwood MB, Grehn F, eds. Guidelines on Design and Report- ing of Glaucoma Surgical Trials. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Kugler. 2008:15–24. 11. Slabaugh MA, et al. The effect of phacoemulsification on intraocular pressure in medically controlled open-angle glaucoma patients. Am J Ophthalmol. 2014;157:26–31. 联系方式 Gedde: sgedde@med.miami.edu